Going in

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We walked in the building with waves and smiles. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and noticed it was Twice.

Twice said, "Wassup!"

I said, "Hey, Twice!"

He said, "Guess what we're planning to do??"


"We're going to-" he was cut off by blue fire zooming between our faces.

I looked towards Dabi with that stupid smirk on his face.

I said, "What the fuck?"

Dabi said, "Twice, we're not supposed to tell them yet. You don't know who these people are."

I said, "You still on this i-dont-trust-you shit?"

Dabi responded, "I call it being cautious. We don't need a pretty lady like you ruining our plans." He said that sentence as he walked closer to me.

I stared at him with disinterest. He said, "Not even a thank you for my compliment?"

"It wasn't needed. Excuse me." I brushed past him and went to go sit down on the couch where we waited for Shigraki.

I looked at Takami which was staring at Dabi too hard to notice I was looking at him.

Shigraki soon came in and said, "Hello, Vero. Chris.

" 'Sup." I did a little captain salute with my two fingers.

Takami just nodded towards Shigraki in recognition. Shigraki said, "We're going to construct an attack."

~Well this is going to be interesting.~

Shigraki continued, "Once we hear back from our spy about more information then we will know when to strike. For right now, the date is set in 2 weeks. Be ready. Are we clear on that?"

We all nodded in agreement and then went back to our business. Shigraki still wouldn't give us anything we wanted like who the person is, who we're going after or anything. They still don't trust us and I don't honestly don't blame them. Takami is a terrible actor.

The magician guy came over and said, "Delighted to see you again."

"Mm...likewise." I said in a polite manner.

I know he's a villian but I love the way he talks. It makes you feel like you're in a fairytale world and he's your butler or something.

I said, "So, why ain't nobody telling me and Chris details?"

Twice shrugged, "Idontknow...he must not trust you but that's ok, Vero! I trust you!"

I said, "Im glad. I just don't understand what I have to do."

Toga came over and said, "Maybe don't worry about it. We're just a bunch of low lifes anyways." She started to fling around her knife. "We're not COMMITTED to him or anything. Just go up to him and let him figure you out, I guess, if you want his approval that bad."

She then smiled like a maniac, giggled and said, "But thats just my opinion! Twice, I need your help."

Toga skipped off and Twice just jumped up and ran right after her.

~Guess the little girl is right.~

I walked over slowly to Shigraki and glanced at Takami which he gave a what the fuck are you doing look. I ignored him and faced Shigraki. I smiled and stood next to him.

Shigraki said, "Yes?"

I said, "So...how old are you exactly?"

Shigraki said, "I dont see why that matters."

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