Side Story: 🍋First time🍋

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Keigo and I have been dating for awhile now. It's been great, we've even been connected on what's been going on with the LOV. We'd be called in for important meetings and such. The thing is that Keigo and I have been called in for different missions lately. We haven't had as much time together but when me and him hangout, we make the most out of it. I still miss having him all the time, though.

As of now I had went to my recently new secretary, Francis for a favor. She was in her own office, typing away. She looked up when I came in.

Francis said, "Do you need something, Mrs.L/n?"

I said, "Yeah, I'm about to go on my last scout for the day. Can you look at some applications for me?"

Francis nodded and I stood still as I got my tablet and stylus out. I sent the email to her and did a little smile before starting to walk off.

Francis called out, "Mrs.L/n, is there something wrong? You seemed down the past few days."

I said, "Huh? N-no, I'm fine."

"You sure? I haven't seen Hawks around here as much as I used to and your mood seems to be down."

Damn, she catch on quick. I just simply said, "I promise, everything is fine. You have a good day, Francis."

"Alright, you too!" She yelled out.

I walked away towards my elevator. When it got down to the bottom floor, I walked out of my agency to see a person outside with their hands in their pocket. They were towards the right, the way I was going. I slowly walked that way, on high alert in case I had to do something.

"Hey, girl!"

I flinched and looked towards the person. It was my best friend, Iris. I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding in. I said, "Man, you scared me."

Iris rolled her eyes and said, "You always think someone trying to attack you."

"Well I AM a hero and people are always after me."

Iris stared and said, "Mhm...come on, lets go."

"Go where?"

Iris said, "Your house, duh! I didnt come all this way to WALK there."

I shrugged with a smile as we walked to my car. As we got in, I turned the ignition and rode the car to my house.

As I was driving, it was pretty silent on the road except for the music that was on low. Iris and I weren't really talking but it wasn't uncomfortable, just a nice quiet, comfortable. Keigo also said earlier that he was going to able crash over my house today and see me, so that was nice.

My phone was hooked to the Bluetooth and we both heard a startling noise that was a notification. Iris dramatically touched her ear, "Dang!"

I rolled my eyes as I drove with one hand and picked up my phone with the other. It was a notification from Keigo.

💕Bird Brain💕

*Keigo: Hey, Avatar. I probably won't able to make it tonight. Mission came up. Don't stay up late waiting for me, alright? Im sorry, I love you.

My face turned upside down as I texted 'I love you too' and placed the phone to the side. Iris said, "What wrong? What happened?"

"Keigo won't be able to make it tonight, thats all." I said as I stared at the road. I honestly felt my heart sunk. I smiled, "Its fin-"

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