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Hawks POV

I looked at the investigator before us. A pale man with blonde hair, narrow hazel eyes. I glared at him but softened my gaze when he turned to me to shake my hand. After he shook my hand and he asked if we were ready to begin and Y/n and I nodded.

Y/n and I sat in the two chairs infront of Mrs.Evelyn's desk and waited patiently for them to start asking questions.

Mr. Williams said, "I will be asking each of you for an answer. Just want to make sure everyone here is on the same page, alright?"

We nodded. He asked, "What time did this time happen, L/n?"

She answered, "Around 10PM."

He looked at me, "Hawks?"

I answered, "Yep around 10."

He said, "Alright. Can you describe the person, Y/n?"

She said, "Well I didnt see much. I know the person had breasts and a small body. It seemed like a girl mostly but I couldn't have possibly saw more than Kei- Hawks."

I chuckled lightly at her before realizing, it was my turn to answer the question. I cleared my throat, "Well, It seemed like a woman to me as well. Everything was covered, though. Not a single piece of skin was shown but I did see their eyes."

"What color were the eyes?" Mr. Williams asked intently.

I said, "They were a dark brown...I assume. I couldn't tell- they looked black in the dark but then they turned into a red color."

Williams rubbed his chin with his hand and Y/n spoke, "They could've been trying to use their quirk on you. Is there something you felt when they did that or did something move?"

I thought about it and said, "Well...there was a overwhelming feeling of losing control of my body, if that makes sense."

Mr. Williams said, "So... some type of control quirk. Any theories that you two have that could have that could help us figure out their motives?"

We both looked at Mrs.Evelyn which gave us the nod that this is perfectly fine and we can reveal the mission that we've been on. I took a deep breath giving Y/n the signal that I will be explaining.

"Well, we are currently on an undercover mission to find out more about the LOV and what's going on. We've found out that they've been attacking certain companies. We feel as if that person is a part of the LOV is going to reveal our identities or try to take us down, personally for messing with their group. They have a spy on the inside as well."

Y/n added, "They also took the information file. The only thing that slipped out was Hawk's undercover profile."

Y/n looked over to Mrs.Evelyn's face which made me shift my gaze over there. Mrs.Evelyn either seemed shocked or angry that the intruder took it. I couldn't tell and I frankly didn't want to find out. The police officer and the investigator started writing their own notes in their notepad.

Mr. Williams did a swift flip of his notepad, closing it. He turned to Y/n, "I suggest you get a new lock and steer clear. Whatever is going on... its most likely happening in your company."

"You-you think I have the spy?" She pointed at herself.

"Well they knew where you lived and they knew about the mission at hand. But then again... there are a ton of quirks for that but it still doesn't make sense that they knew of your mission and your house. I suggest you keep going like everything is normal... if they know we just have to be prepared."

"What can I do to protect my people at my establishment?" Y/n asked.

Mr.Williams said, "I can only suggest you ask upfront or start observing. Or you could just plainly start pointing fingers. Someone is gonna break with that."

Hawks x Black reader *Work It Out* حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن