Chapter 2

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POV Petal

My eighteenth birthday was yesterday. Today was Friday and there was a huge party planned in honor of my birth, even though I would only be allowed to attend the first part of it. By midnight, Margo and I would be ushered back to our room while the rest of the club drank and slept with the club girls. I gritted my teeth as I thought about it.

They would all be congratulating Ace since he was planning to claim me soon. Of course, that wouldn't stop him from sinking in some club pussy multiple times once I was out of sight. The club was nothing if not sexist. While Margo and I had to remain virgins and 'pure' the boys were encouraged to fuck anyone they wanted. Once Margo and I were claimed, we would be expected to be faithful while our men could be anything but as long as they didn't do it in front of us.

How do we know all of this? We watched it happen on Margo's birthday. Tommy my twin brother is the one that want's to claim her and we watched what he did. We saw it all through the club security cameras that we had hacked into a few years ago. Margo cried one single tear and then turned stone faced. My heart broke for her. I knew that she liked my brother, she may even love him but I also knew that he would destroy her. She knew it too, especially after seeing that. She knew then that there was no hope for them.

Ace was the same for me and I knew that it would have been easy to give in to him. To let him claim me, marry me and then bear his kids. It would only be years later that it would be hard. Then I wouldn't be able to lie to myself about where he was all the time. Then I would be resentful at my life and the way he treated me. Hell, if I even made it that long. We had already been attacked by yet another rival MC.

The only good thing that my Father and his MC had done in the last six years was to hunt down the MC that killed our women and slaughter each of them brutally. If they hadn't, Margo and I had planned to do just that.

Finally, the last bell rang and we were released from our prison. I packed up my bag and Tommy stood next to me as one of his friend stood next to Margo.

"You ready?" Tommy asked and I nodded.

He and his friend ushered Margo and I to our lockers to get our books that we pretended to need for homework. The boys didn't go to their lockers or carry any books. They did almost nothing for school and I swear that the only reason they came was to watch over Margo and I.

They shouldn't have bothered. Margo and I had busted our asses for the last few summers and had graduated online last semester. We weren't idiots and we knew that we would need a diploma to get anywhere. At least anywhere outside of the MC.

Once, I brought up going to college to my father to see what he would say. He shook his head and snapped at me, "You don't need a degree to have kids and raise them or to cook and clean. Be grateful that we're letting you finish high school. It was more than your mother got and she was a saint."

He wasn't lying. He had met my mother when she was fifteen and he was seventeen. He wasted no time in claiming her and had her pregnant and married the very next year. She dropped out to have my brothers but she never complained. Just did as her husband told her to. It was disgusting but she seemed happy. Up to the day she was repeatedly raped and murdered because of my father and his club.

I wondered if she was truly happy. If she would have been different if she had met my father when she was older. I guess that we will never know though.

Margo's mother had it a bit better and was able to get her diploma before getting married. She was the reason Margo and I were still in school and no one was allowed to claim us yet. She made Margo's dad and my dad swear that we would be able to graduate and keep the boys away until then. I'm sure at the time, our dads just agreed to keep the peace and knew that they would change her mind later but then she was murdered and they couldn't break their promise.

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