Chapter 18

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Jaden/Breaker POV

After shaking off the conversation I had with Margo, I quickly showered and changed. I was glad that I had borrowed a shirt from Ash before he left to go check in with Thrash. He and I were the same size. If I had been forced to use one of Blade or Jokers, it would have been big on me. That's all I needed, to look even more ridiculous in front of Petal. I already embarrassed myself enough by losing my cool and breaking that glass at breakfast. I was just so jealous even though I knew that I had no reason to be. I needed to make sure that I didn't get carried away. The last thing I wanted to to do was to scare Petal off.

She was everything I ever wanted in a girl. Sweet, kind but sassy and strong. I just met her but I knew that she was it for me. I had never reacted this way to anyone before and I wasn't about to loose my chance with her. She was a life changer for me and I needed that.

I finished in the bathroom and walked out to the hallway only to run into Dom and Decker. It looked like they were waiting for me. I sighed and reminded myself to stay calm. These guys seemed to love fucking with me and I was sure that whatever they were about to pull was going to be troublesome for me.

"Hey, man. Sorry about breakfast. We just needed to make sure that you weren't going to snap at Petal." Dom began.

"Yeah. She's been through a lot and she deserves to have some happiness. We can't just sit by and watch her get hurt. She is too good for that." Decker added and I nodded.

"I get that. I wouldn't hurt her. She's amazing. I know I just met her but I can see how awesome she is. I really like her." I answered and they both surprised me with broad grins.

"Good. She needs someone that treats her like the Goddess she is. I wasn't just testing you, I was testing Joker as well. We just want to make sure she safe and happy especially since the Lost Boys found her." Dom explained.

"I'm worried about them. There is no way that they are going to let these girls go." I changed the subject as we all walked down the hallway.

There was a knock at the door as we entered the living room and Margo hurried to open it.

"Hey." Ash said as she let him in.

"What's going on?" Joker demanded. He and Blade/Iron were sitting on the couch together obviously talking with Nat as we all joined them. We found various seats around the room before Ash answered.

"Thrash called me to meet with him. Someone shot up one of our warehouses and one of the Rebels local businesses." He began right as Petal walked in.

"Oh, no! Was anyone hurt? What business? How much damage was done?" she asked with a stricken look on her face.

I jumped up and grabbed her by the waist. I nudged her towards were I was sitting. I sat and pulled her into my lap. I was relieved to feel her relax into me a bit.

"Take a breath. We will sort it all out. OK?" I whispered in her ear as Joker glared at me which I ignored.

She nodded slightly as we all refocused on my brother.

"It's okay. There were no injuries. We only lost a couple hundred worth of guns at the warehouse and the damage at the tattoo shop was minimal. Just the door and window that are getting replaced as we speak." Ash answered and Petal seemed to relax further.

"I can't believe that the Lost Boys could get on the offensive that quickly. How did they even know about our warehouse?" Blade/Iron asked and Joker nodded.

"That's the thing... Thor and Sunny don't think it was them. Wires and Tech have been watching them and they haven't done anything but have angry meeting. Another strange thing is that one of their businesses got shot up as well. They think it was us but it wasn't..." Ash trailed off.

We all looked at each other in confusion.

"Thor, Sunny, and Thrash want us all to meet them in an hour at the Rebels clubhouse. They said that there was some sort of symbol that was left at all three hits that they want us to see. Maybe we can figure it out from there." Ash/Eagle continued.

"What sort of symbol?" Decker asked as he pulled Nat into his lap.

"They said it looked like some sort of bird." Ash responded.

Nat paled and looked shocked. The only reason I noticed was because I just happened to be looking at her when he answered. Everyone started discussing this new information but Nat just seemed to be in her own world and looked a bit panicked.

"Are you alright, Nat?" I asked her and everyone quieted and looked toward her.

She shook her head slightly and tried to smile at me.

"Of course. Just confused like the rest of you." she quickly responded.

"Oh! I saved you a plate of breakfast, Ash. I figured you would be hungry." Petal jumped up and I frowned at the loss of her in my arms.

"Of course you did. You really are the sweetest!" Ash gushed as he hugged her. If he wasn't my brother I might have punched him but I just took a deep breath and stood up behind her.

"Come on. Let's get you fed before we once again surround ourselves the chaos." Petal pulled Ash into the kitchen. I smiled and shook my head at them.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. That girl is a literal Goddess. How are you two related, Joker?" Dom teased.

I looked to Joker who was also smiling after his sister and my brother.

"I have no idea. She's too good for this world and I'll be damned if I let another bad thing happen to her. Never again will I stand back and let my sister and her two friends be harmed. They deserve everything wonderful in this life and I will kill or die to make sure they get it." Joker responded.

"Aww. Joker! You are the sweetest." Margo gushed as she rushed to hug him. Nat grinned and followed suit but I noticed that her smile didn't reach her eyes.

I looked up to see Blade narrow his eyes at her and then make eye contact with me. Something wasn't right and I could see that Blade would do anything to protect both his boyfriend and his sister, even if it was from one of her closest friends. I nodded back to him in unspoken agreement. Joker and Petal were a part of our family now and we would go to hell and back for our family. I just hoped that they were prepared for us.

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