Chapter 23

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POV Petal

"We're here. What the fuck it this about?" Shooter demanded as Joker and Jaden checked me over.

"I'm fine. I have no idea what he's playing at." I whispered to them and they shot glares at Viper.

"Let's all sit down. We have much to discuss." Sunny began as she gestured to the large round table we had set up with chairs.

"I don't want to hear from you. I want my daughter to tell me what is going on now or we walk!" my Father insisted.

All eye again turned to me. I sighed.

"We didn't touch your pawn shop." I began.

The Lost Boys all looked at each other.

"Bullshit!" Shooter spat out.

I shook my head.

"It's true, we had a business hit too. The Saints had a warehouse hit as well. Both had the sign of a Raven outside." I replied.

"A raven?" Ace looked to Viper and back at me.

"What about our warehouse?" Shooter demanded again.

"Oh, that was us. My brother and sister actually." Jaden chuckled.

"Asshole." Shooter spat back and Jaden shrugged.

"They like to blow shit up. We find it best to let them. Otherwise they get out of control." He explained as the rest of us chuckled.

"Let's sit." I suggested.

To my surprise my father, Ace and Viper all hurried toward the table at my words. I shot a confused look to Margo who returned it as we all took seats. The Lost Boys on one side, the Rebels and Saints on the other. I was guided to a seat in between Joker and Jaden. I glanced to see Margo between Dom and Blade/Iron and Nat between Decker and Ash/Eagle. Satisfied that my sisters were protected I looked at Ace/Bear.

"You know what the Raven symbol means." I began and he nodded.

"We thought about that but then decided that it was probably a way for you to cause us to fight with one of our allies. Why would the Ravens come after us? We've been peaceful for years. Ever since they gave us Nat. They didn't even retaliate when we lost her." Ace began.

I stiffened as he talked about Nat like she was an object. I glanced to her but she shook her head. I took a deep breath and let it go for the moment.

"The Ravens have always been against the Lost Boys." I began.

"That's a lie!" Shooter shouted out.

Ace held up a hand.

"Let's hear her out" he insisted.

"Nat's Father isn't who you think he is. He's the half brother of Bruce who's road name was Dagger..." I continued.

At the name, my father jumped up and pointed a gun at Nat. I looked around in alarm and saw that Margo's father was also pointing a gun at her.

"SHE'S A DEMON RIDER?!!" Daddy dearest yelled.

At his words, all the rest of the Lost Boy's pulled their guns and the Saints and Rebels pointed guns right back at them as Decker stood and pulled Nat behind him.

"STOP!!!" Margo bellowed.

"She's with us. She has nothing to do with the Demon's, she never did. Her father MADE her marry Shooter and stay with the Lost Boys. He MADE her spy for him. Now she's cut all ties with him." Margo continued.

"She's right. I'm loyal only to Petal and Margo. THEY are the ONLY ones that cared for me. They are the first ones to help me, to listen to me, to take care of me. Not my Father, not my family, not my first husband and certainly not the Demon Riders, the Ravens or the Lost Boys. They are my family. They are the ones that helped me make my life better. They are the ones that made sure I was safe and happy. Now I trust Decker and Dom and the Rebels but I will NEVER trust my father again. He left me to be abused by a man that hated me just for information so he could continue this blood feud that I never wanted any part in." Nat explained as she stepped from behind Decker.

Margo's father turned is glare and gun towards his daughter, "How could you? You knew about this? The blood in her veins is the same blood that slaughtered your dear mother and grandmother." he spat.

Margo shook her head.

"Nat didn't do anything to us. I didn't know about this until after we got her out of the Lost Boys. She told Petal and I and we took it to Sunny and Thor. In a way, we helped you. We took a spy out of your ranks without you having to do a thing. You should be thanking us." Margo smirked.

"That's true. The way things were going, you would have never realized what I was doing. Think of all the runs and warehouses that didn't get destroyed since I left. Things got smoother after they rescued me, didn't it?" Nat added.

"Please put your guns down so we can discuss this. This is what Nat's father wants. Us fighting with each other. Then he can come in and kill off whoever is left. Don't you see? This is the way he wins. This is the way that the Demon Riders finish what they started years ago when they killed our mothers and grandmothers. You're just playing into his hand if you continue this way." I spoke up, nervous about the guns being pointed at my sisters.

I looked around the room and made eye contact with Viper. He nodded and put down his gun as he sat. I looked to Ace whose eyes softened as soon as he saw me.

"She's right. Lost Boys, put them away and sit." he commanded as he tucked his gun away and took the seat next to my twin.

 Shooter looked like he was going to argue but then looked at me and sat slowly as did the rest of the MC.

"What do you propose we do?" Ace asked.

He was looking at me but Sunny spoke up.

"We have a plan..." she began.

"I don't want to hear it from you. I only want to hear it from Petal. She's the only one any of us want to hear speak." Ace cut in.

I was shocked and looked to Sunny who already had her eyes on me. She smirked but nodded for me to go ahead.

"Why?" I asked.

"We have our reasons. I have my reasons. Don't worry about that now. Just tell us what you are thinking and we'll go from there." Ace assured me but I was feeling more uncomfortable by the second.

I didn't understand what was going on but I knew already that it wasn't going to end well.

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