Chapter 12

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Ace/Bear POV

Shooter and Viper walked next to me as we hobbled back to our bikes. The rest of our MC was walking a bit in front of us. As we turned into a particularly dark area, suddenly the three of us were stopped by three other men all wearing the Saints cut. As my eyes adjusted, I recognized one of them as the one that brought in the contracts. I thought that someone had called him Jaden. I knew that he had to have a road name as well but it was too dark to see his name on his cut. He looked to be about my age and was about as tall as me but not as bulky. I could tell that he was strong though. The man in the middle of the other two looked a few years older and wasn't as tall as the first one but he looked like he was just as strong.  The last motherfucker was huge. He was bigger and a bit taller than me and that is saying something. This dude was built like a truck.

The three just stepped in front of us and stared at us for a moment. We glared back at them when finally the biggest one spoke up.

"You Petal and Margo's brothers?" he asked in a deep voice.

Viper nodded.

"Why the fuck do you want to know?" Shooter spat back.

All three of them looked at each other and smirked.

"Like looking in a fucking mirror, huh bro?" Jaden said as he slapped the back of the big one who just shot a glare at him and then turned back to us.

"Do yourselves a favor and either change your ways and be supportive of you sisters or leave them alone." the one in the middle spoke up for the first time.

"Why should we?" I snarled back.

"Trust us, kid. We've been where you are and we made the wrong choice. It will eat you up inside. Don't do it. If you love your sisters at all. Do the right thing. You won't like what happens if you don't." he replied.

"Fuck off. I want my sister back. I want my woman. They belong with us." I growled.

Jaden looked at me in alarm that quickly changed.

"Petal isn't yours. She doesn't want you. She will never want you!" he looked mad for the first time as the one in the middle pulled him back when he lunged at me.

I smirked.

"What? You think you have a chance with MY girl? She's MINE! She's always been mine and she will always be mine. She was promised to me on the day she was born. She was raised to be mine. We have something that no one can take from us. You could never understand what Petal and I have. You will never have her." I continued.

Everything was silent as I realized that the rest of my MC had doubled back and had heard everything I had just said. I didn't give a shit. I was done pretending. I now knew that Petal still loved me. That's why she didn't want anyone to be killed tonight. That's why she begged me to sign the contract, so I wouldn't be hurt anymore. She was just brainwashed by that fucking gang. I didn't know if my sister was as well. She didn't seem as upset as Petal did when I was being hurt. Maybe she was the reason my Petal betrayed us and left.

The more I though about it, the more it made sense. Between her Grandmother and Margo, Petal didn't have a chance. Her Grandmother started when she was young and after she died, Margo and that bitch Sunny took over. They whispered lies in her ears and since she was young and impressionable, she believed them. Petal had always looked up to my sister since she was older and she would have agreed with anything Margo said. I'm sure that Natalia helped Margo as well. She always hated us.

"This is all those bitches fault. Petal's Grandma, Natalia, Sunny and Margo are all trying to keep us apart. They are jealous of what we have. They know that no man will love them the way I love Petal and they have led her astray. They want her to be as sad and lonely as they are. As pathetic as they are. It's not Petal's fault and soon she will know the truth. I will have her back in my arms and no one will ever take her from me again!" I vowed as everyone stared at me.

"You are fucking insane! She doesn't want you! She never did. She was forced by you and her family to be that way. Now she is free and happy. Just let her go." Jaden yelled at me as the middle one started to pull him away.

The big one stared at us sadly for a moment.

"Please, just believe us. Don't make the same mistakes we did. You might be able to have some sort of relationship with your sisters if you stop now. They may be able to forgive you. Don't lose them. You will regret it if you do." he softly said and then turned to follow the other two into the darkness.

We were all quiet for a moment as we watched them go.

"Maybe he is right. I don't want to do this to my sister. She and Margo are happy and maybe we should let them be. I don't want to hurt them." Viper spoke up finally.

I whipped around to stare at him in disbelief as Shooter grabbed his shoulders.

"You can't mean that! Petal is our sister. She is OURS! She belongs with us. Margo is YOUR woman. Natalia is MY woman. We cannot allow them to be with some shitty gang. We can't allow them to take our women and bomb our club. They must answer for their actions and then they must be back with us. Anything less then that is unacceptable. Maybe Bear is right. Maybe Petal is innocent in all this. We have to save her before she gets in any deeper. She needs to be safe with us." Shooter shook his younger brother.

"We will look weak and I will NEVER abandon Petal to that group of wannabes and bastards. They don't deserve her and they will never treat her like they should. They will let her run wild. They won't be able to protect her or train her like we can." I added and Shooter nodded.

"Let's go back to the clubhouse and hold Church. We will discuss it there." my Dad spoke up and the other's nodded.

We turned and made the rest of the slow walk to our bikes in silence. As we reached our bikes Shooter looked at me.

"I'm with you, brother. I won't let Petal become one of them." he vowed and I nodded to him.

"We may need to let go of Natalia and Margo. They seem too far gone. We might have to just kill them." he added.

I sighed but nodded again. I did love my sister but if she didn't change her ways after her punishment, Shooter was right. I couldn't risk having her around Petal. She had already corrupted her once. I wouldn't allow it to happen again.

Now if I could just get the rest of the MC to see reason. Then we could make a plan to get my love back.

'This won't be the last time I see you.' I vowed to Petal as we rode way.

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