Chapter 16

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Jaden/Breaker POV

I awoke hours later the sound of a bang. I opened up my eyes and looked around. First I realized that Petal was cuddled into me with her head on my chest and I smiled down at her. Then I looked up and my smile dropped immediately. Joker was standing in the open door glaring at me in disbelief. He had obviously just threw the door open. Behind him was Blade whose eyes widened in alarm when he made eye contact with me.

"Fuck! Run!" he mouthed at me right before my focus was drawn back to Joker who was rushing towards Petal and I.

"Shit!" I cursed as I gently moved her off of me so I could stand.

Joker paused when he saw his sister and his eyes softened when she opened hers and blinked up at him in confusion.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she slowly sat up.

"Milo? What's going on?" she mumbled sleepily.

I would have awwed at her if I didn't think that I was a second away from being murdered. She was so damn cute.

"That's what I would like to know! Blade and I got up and Breaker wasn't on the couch. We thought he left but then we saw his clothes and shoes still in the living room. Now I find him half naked with you in here! Did he hurt you? Are you okay? I swear to God, I'm gonna kill him!" Joker ended up shouting at the end as he refocused his gaze on me.

I put my hands up at him, "I swear nothing happened. I would NEVER harm her!" I pleaded.

"Stop, Joker!" Petal stood up, suddenly awake.

"He didn't do anything. I had a nightmare and he heard me crying. He came into comfort me and we ended up falling asleep. Nothing happened. I swear. And even if it did, that's no concern of yours." she spat back getting angry.

"No concern of mine! Of course its a concern of mine. Especially if he came in here while you were sleeping. You were in a vulnerable state. If he took advantage of that, I will end him right now!" he yelled back getting closer to me.

Blade stepped between us then.

"HEY! I know that you are worried about your sister but my brother wouldn't do that! He's not like that." Blade defended me and I looked at him in appreciation.

"Yeah, cause you guys have such a great track record of respecting women." Joker muttered and everyone else force.

I glanced back a Blade and he looked heartbroken. Petal rush towards her brother and pushed him.

"Like your past is much better!" she snarled and now Joker looked heartbroken as well.

Joker looked at my brother and seemed to then realize what he said. He slumped down and shook his head.

"You're right. That was a low blow. I'm sorry, Blade. I didn't mean it. I know that you aren't like that and I know that Breaker wouldn't do that. It's just...." he trailed off and Blade nodded.

"You're scared." Blade spoke up and Joker nodded.

"Seeing them again. Watching them threaten Petal. I would do anything to protect her especially from them. I feel so guilty for not helping her earlier and I feel powerless now." Joker admitted as he sat at the end of the bed.

"Then when I came in here and saw you two together, I just snapped a bit. I'm sorry Breaker. I know that you didn't harm her, that you wouldn't harm her. " he looked at me and I nodded and sat down on the side of bed as Blade joined me there.

Joker then turned to Petal who still looked pissed.

"I'm so sorry sis. I know that you can take care of yourself and that you can decide who to sleep with. I know that it's none of my business. I just don't want you to be taken advantage of and I don't know how to protect you. I fucked up and I'm sorry. I just want you to be happy, healthy and safe always." Joker pleaded and Petal's face softened as she hugged him.

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