Chapter3: Brain and heart (I)

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Chapter 3: Brain and heart (I)

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Chapter 3: Brain and heart (I)

It's 6 am in the morning on Monday. It's still very early in Jeon's household. The light sounds of house maids doing the morning chores are heard, but not loud enough to wake anyone up. The younger master of the house woke up a little too early, but what could be the reason? Who would know? When the young master Jeon himself doesn't know the reason why he's awake. He keeps on staring at the ceiling, smelling the familiar warm scent of Dior Sakura soap that belongs to someone who he assumes sleeping peacefully in the guest room.

Still not knowing the reason, Jungkook gets up and walks out of his room. Like being in trance in turns left just to punch in the combinations he knows by heart and gets into that room. It's still dark, but there's still some natural dark light shining through the window. He knows his way to the bed, and as expected he sees the smaller sleeping like a baby.

He looks at Jimin whose upper half of his face is showing and another half is under the blanket. Crescent eyes and cute button nose makes Jungkook chuckle thinking of how Jimin's angry crescent eyes still look innocent and cute. Same works with that cute nose he wanted to pinch badly when it scrunchies out of irritations. Those cheeks that turned red while the smaller one was yelling the meanest things to him. Oh how much he wanted to bite those cheeks. This doesn't include those plump lips he wants to kiss so badly just to shut Jimin up.

Sex has been really good and hot between them. He doesn't usually kiss people he has sexual relations with, but with Jimin, his best friend, it's ok to kiss. No diseases etc. What Jungkook doesn't realize or is trying not to realize is how much he likes to kiss his best friend. Jungkook has been feeling the urge to kiss Jimin more and more with time. It's hard to focus sometimes when they hang out at school.

Jungkook sits on the mattress beside Jimin gently. Not stopping his own hand from patting Jimin's forehead with his thumbs. Jimin's eyebrows tie up a little. Jimin moves a little from the touch. The blanket falls off his neck exposing his chest. Hickeys all over Jimin who's wearing Jungkook's clothes he left in the guest room. Jungkook traces his hands on Jimin's neck on the hickeys he left. Scratching the red spots lightly, but not light enough for Jimin to open his eyes and gasp.

"Jungkook?" Jimin calls out in a sleepy soft voice.


"What are you doing here?" Jimin rubs his eyes before lifting up the upper part of his body to find his phone. "What time is it?"

"Still very early." Jungkook replies, watching Jimin's every action. Cute.

"Oh. Ok. I'll sleep more then." But Jimin fails to do so. As soon as Jimin is about to lean his head back to sleep, Jungkook holds Jimin's waist and lifts him up to sit. "Jungkook?" Jimin's swollen eyes look at Jungkook confusingly.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hums in response again while Jimin is in his arms, and their faces are two inches close to each other. The taller of the two stares in Jimin's eyes seriously before he glances at Jimin's plump lips back and forth. Their breath fans each other's faces.

Jimin feels his stomach twirls. His face turns red from the closeness. Yes they have tons of sex, but never before that Jungkook holds Jimin like this. Like it's the action that lovers do. They look into each other's eyes. They keep on doing that. "What's going o-" but before Jimin could finish the sentence, his lips were caught by Jungkook's.

Very gently like never before that Jungkook kisses him like this. He closes the distance among both of them by wrapping his arms tighter on Jimin's waist. The kiss is slow as they keep kissing. Jungkook takes the lead as always, and Jimin follows. Sucking on Jimin's bottom lips and licking it, he throws the blanket between them away before he lifts Jimin up on his lap, straddling over the taller of the two.

Jimin's stomach twirls again with Jungkook's soft touch holding his body closely. Jungkook rubs his hands on Jimin's bare back under his own t-shirt Jimin is wearing. The smaller smells like Jungkook's body washes, and it might be making Jungkook become a little crazy. The kiss goes on and on for minutes. Jungkook starts to kiss Jimin's jaw down to his neck, sucking light hickeys. Jimin starts to push his crotch against the taller one as he understands what Jungkook might want, but it's unexpected. Jungkook grabs Jimin's hip and pushes it back a little.

Confusion takes over Jimin's mind. What is it exactly that Jungkook wants? It's a question Jungkook himself can't and won't answer.

Jimin pulls out from the kiss and looks down at Jungkook. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I-I mean. Uhm." Jimin can't think of the right word. Are we having sex? Why are we only kissing?

Why so gentle?

Knowing why Jimin is confused, Jungkook takes for granted how Jimin likes to keep his real feelings to himself. He doesn't want to answer. He may or may not know the reason for his own action, but he won't talk about it. "I just wanted to. Anything's wrong with that?"

"N-No." Jimin replies, still staring at Jungkook.

"More?" The taller one asks.



End of chapter.

A/N: It will make more sense in the next chapter.

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