Chapter 26: Locked in the friend zone

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Chapter 26: Locked in the friend zone

Sounds of two people giggling are heard clearly from the kitchen. Two best friends having their own little private late night meal while their parents having theirs in the other room. The conversation just goes on and on over the snack they're having.

"Stop. It's not even that funny." Jimin says in giggles. Now a little pout is being seen on his face, while munching on chips as he stands by the kitchen island.

"Hahaha I mean don't you agree that it's funny. Taking days to marinate the paste just to find it in the store later." Jungkook says, trying to stop laughing, but the small laugh slips out again and again, looking at Jimin who's standing at the opposite side.

"I've learned my lesson, ok? And it was nice to learn how to make the paste from scratch." Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, days of learning." Jungkook smiles, showing his bunny teeth. "that there's bean paste everywhere even in the store close to your apartment hahaha"

"It's not even that funny. I don't get why you're laughing that hard over this." Jimin lets out an irritating face as he shifts his gaze down, suppressing his smile. The bunny teeth that are showing from Jungkook's smile are too cute to be mad at.

"I just can imagine your face when you found out. Your little pout will show without anyone you can whine and vent on. It's so cute when you have to keep yourself together from whining." Jungkook says, still smiling. "I can also imagine how cute it would look when you were working hard on it, looking all messed up when the paste tastes wrong."

And those sentences make Jimin's stomach twirl really badly. No word is being uttered from Jimin. The smaller best friend just keeps his gaze down on the floor, blushing even harder.

Cute? Jungkook just called Jimin cute. Not one but twice. Jimin himself can't remember the last time Jungkook called him cute. Probably Jungkook never did. Not even during their benefits period when many stomach twirling facial expressions were happening. No words. Just smirking. Just those big doe eyes staring.

Looking all messed up? Isn't it Jungkook's favorite thing about Jimin to make fun of, in and outside the bed? It's no secret how Jimin's rosy sweaty cheeks, teary eyes and messy hair are Jungkook's favorite thing to look at in bed.

It's not only Jimin who's affected. Jungkook is also affected by his words too. His face feels extremely hot, thinking of the familiar scene, and Park Jimin is just one arm away, obviously blushing, and that wide neck white t-shirt is not helping Jungkook to calm down.

Therefore, Jungkook walks to the other side of the kitchen island where Jimin is standing, like the moment just makes him want to be closer to Jimin who shifts his gaze up at the sudden movement. The confusion on Jimin's face is obvious when the big doe eyes keep on staring at him, and Jungkook notices that.

"Ahem." Jungkook scratches his nape. As much as he wants to keep on staring and more, he doesn't want to ruin everything. "Do you need help with anything?"

"What?" Jimin asks in confusion.

"You were going to make shrimp fried eggs." Resting his hands on the counter while looking at Jimin, trying hard not leaning closer.

"Oh you still want to try that?"

"Yes, prove that it's really tasty like how you bragged." Jungkook smirks playfully, trying to shake away the tension that is still thick in the air.

"Hey. It tastes good. I don't need to prove that. Without this menu I won't survive. You do know I'm specific about the food I like." Jimin raises his voice.

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