Chapter 22: The other half

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Chapter 22: The other half

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Chapter 22: The other half

"Park Jimin?"

"Yes, here." Jiming waves his hand half way as he speaks with a low volume.

"Oh. You're late. Go ahead and upload your assignments to the school system." The instructor orders. "We'll start when everyone's work is uploaded."

That's when Jimin realizes he's fucked. Well, it's not the plan to upload the assignment since he doesn't have anything to submit today. "Ah umm, I don't have it today."

"Really?" He asks sarcastically. "What happened?" The instructor asks with a frown on his face.

"I was not able to finish it." Jimin replies with honesty. "I'll be submitting later after class. Within today." His breath becomes shaky as he sees the instructor's reaction.

"I know you've got life going on, but you're not going to make it if I'm your boss in a professional world. Not a good impression, Jimin, right? I'm Lance, by the way. You might have missed my name too since you missed the first class." The instructor in his 50s sighs, looking at the screen. "Alright, let's get started, and if you don't want to be fired on the first day of your career, please try to be more punctual."

"Ok. Got it." Jimin gulps as he looks down on the table in front of him, feeling the heat traveling all over his face and body. He's embarrassed, and it's not the same as back in high school where he's scolded by the teachers. He was familiar with his classmates and teachers, but getting to complain politely about how he's lacking responsibility in front of 10 ish of strangers is a different story, not in a good way.

Several of his first classes, Jimin got to realize that he's not outgoing after all. For some reason he's scared and uncomfortable to talk in front of people. He got to know that he's just a shy and introverted person without people he's familiar with. It's scary, and he freaks out many times a day in this new environment.

Jimin takes out his notebook from his backpack just to ease the embarrassment away. Writing down the date at the top of the page, breathing to calm down. If Jungkook is here, he would roll his eyes at him, and for the first time Jimin realizes Jungkook's eye roll would surprisingly be comforting.

The class goes on and on. It's 'Introduction to graphic design' class, and basically Jimin got to learn about the weight of typography and a little bit of compositions in posters. It's actually fun to Jimin, and the mean instructor turns out to be someone who's obviously very passionate. Jimin loves the way he teaches. It's attractive how different kinds of typefaces can give different impressions.

Three hours of class don't feel so long for Jimin. It's pretty amazing even though Lance, the instructor, bit him again before class. Jimin just nods at 'See you next class, Park Jimin. Only if you decide to show up.'

Letting out a sigh as he walks out from the school building, Jimin sits on the bench in the alley inside the building, grabbing his backpack tightly as he spots a homeless man walking his way. It's not been long, but it's not new to see lots of homeless people in San Francisco everywhere. It's normal, and mostly, they're harmless, but it's still scary for Jimin. He got to learn that some are homeless by choice and some are just unfortunate. Jimin thinks one day when he's no longer scared, he would want to sit and talk to some of them. The learning process is both exciting and scary at the same time, but Jimin knows it will be fine.

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