Be Free

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Zachary 'Booby' Shahidi

"You sure ya baby mama cool with me being round him?" Charmaine asked as Essex sat down watching his iPad

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"You sure ya baby mama cool with me being round him?" Charmaine asked as Essex sat down watching his iPad. Turning my head licking my lips. "You keep asking that. You scared or some shit? I told you, you good." I said smirking as Charmaine looked away then looked back at me as if she was thinking.

"I ain't tryna be in no baby mama drama. I know how the girls get bout they baby daddy." She said as I nodded my head.

"My baby mama not like that." I said as she nodded her head. "Good cause I wanna meet her." She said catching me off guard.

"Meet her for what?" I asked as she rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "You said you serious bout me. So If imma be around her son, we need to have some sort of relationship." She spoke as I sighed.

It had been a good two months since Essex's birthday. After the party Gia and I had a long ass talk and decided to just be co-parents. I was living in the apartment, her and Dior moved into a new house together. We was strictly co-parents, wasn't fucking and the only time we talked was when it had to do with Essex.

"Is it a problem?" Charmaine asked as I looked at her shaking my head knowing that was a damn lie. Ain't nobody know I been messing with Charmaine. It wasn't no secret but it was something I was in the rush to board-cast either. She wasn't necessarily my girlfriend, but she is someone I grown fond of and we was doing couple shit. But of course I had other bitches I was fucking, they just wasn't getting the whole Booby experience. Did Charmaine know? Of course not that was none of ha business.

"Look if you don't want me to meet her say that. But don't bring ya son around me cause it's disrespectful as fuck!" She said as I sucked my teeth.

"You doing all that for what? You can meet her damn. But she be busy. I let her know." I said causing her to smile.

"E you ready" I said causing him to lift his head up and look at me. "Say bye to Ms.Charmaine." I told him as he stood up waving bye.

"Bye cutie." Charmaine said standing up walking towards us.

"Can I get a kiss." She asked standing on her tippy toes. Kissing her forehead, I bent down picking Essex up.

"Enjoy ya lunch." I said as she looked at me. I know that's not the kiss she was expecting but I wasn't bout to kiss her. I ain't go around kissing bitches. Yea I was fucking with her vibe but kissing was something for my girlfriend.

Walking out of Charmaine's office I put Essex down once we got outside.

"Ya mommy gon kill me lil nigga." I said looking down at Essex as he just laughed. Shaking my head I put him in his car seat and got in the car.

Grabbing my phone I dialed Gia's number.

"Hello." She answered the phone with an attitude causing me to look down and see her looking annoyed.

"Fuck wrong with you?" I asked picking the phone up.

"You calling me how can I help you Zachary?" She asked causing me to laugh. I know Gia was sick of my shit. But honest to god all I wanted was for her to be happy. And if not being together is what brought her happiness then that's how it has to be.

Don't get me wrong I would love to be with her. Marry her, wake up and go to sleep to her every day for the rest of our lives but I made my bed and I gotta lay on it. I know I played and just cause I'm ready to be serious now mean she is. I accepted my wrong doings.

"I'm bout to drop little man off." I said as she sucked her teeth.

"I thought you was keeping him." She said I looked down at the screen.

"I am but I gotta talk to you bout something." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Talk about what? We not getting back together!" She said as I nodded my head.

"Yea I know which is why what I gotta say is important." I said as she looked uninterested.

"Whatever you gotta say, say it now." She said as I sucked my teeth at how difficult she was being. I could have easily popped up on her ass but I was trying to be respectful and respect her fucking boundaries.

"Fuck it, my girl wanna meet you." I said as she started laughing.

"Meet me for what? I ain't got shit to do with you and your hoes." She said sounding unfazed as I shook my head.

"She don't wanna be round Essex without meeting you." I told her as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh this one got some common sense. But ain't no need for a meeting. She ain't going to be round my son. That's dead." Gia said causing me to take a deep breath. I swear sometime she was so fucking childish.

"Why? If that's my girl I should be able to have my son around her." I said.

"I'm tryna be respectful but you always acting like a stuck up bitch bro. Ain't nobody do shit to you." I said as she sucked her teeth.

"Set the fucking meeting up. Imma waste my fucking time for what? You ain't gon be with her for long. You can't keep ya dick in ya pants. Think I'm bout to meet every bitch who think they someone special in ya life? I don't even like my son round people and you know that. You called already knowing the answer. You just like wasting my fucking time." She yelled.

"Calm the fuck down. You always doing too much. It ain't that serious." I told her truthfully. I did like Charmaine my what Gia said was true. Deep down I know I ain't gon be with this chick for long. I was leading her on and wasting everyone time.

I was too grown to be playing these fucking games with bitches. I had other shit to be worried bout and here I am trying to make the next bitch happy when I really only wanted to make sure Gia was happy.

"Imma talk to you later." I said.

"Nah call Dior when you dropping him off, you getting blocked again." She said as I just hung up on her. I swear we could be good one day then the next it was world war three. Shit was definitely getting tiring.


I know it's been a while! I'm sorry! But This was definitely different. I wanted to throw i Booby POV. We always hear from Dior and Gia. Thought maybe ya wanna know what he thinking or what's going on with him. How ya feel bout him moving on sorta? Who else POV would ya want? BABY?

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