Chapter 12: Cheat

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Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!! I was trying to have an update for all of my stories today but I didn't finish one for Faded yet and even this one is late, but still happy holidays. This is a pure short little chapter for your enjoyment. A bit of anxiety and claustrophobia and lying but that is all. As always take care of yourselves, thank you for reading and happy holidays. 


Virgil huffed frustratedly as he fiddled with his pen, twisting it around in his palm, clicking the button, and flicking the clip. He could feel his face burning as he could still feel the lingering pressure against his cheek. The pressure of where Patton had kissed him.

Virgil sighed out in exasperation as he clicked the pen a bit more violently.

Hands slammed down on his shoulder with enough force to make him squeal and jump with surprise.

"I will go insane if you click that thing one more time," Remy complained, letting himself fall further over Virgil's shoulders.

Virgil relaxed as he processed the one behind him was Remy and relaxed into the familiar scent of coffee and leather. He smirked as he held up his pen as he clicked the pen repetitively just to tease him.

"Virgie, you wound me," Remy whined, pawing meekly at Virgil's hands in an attempt to make him stop.

"Revenge for sneaking up on me," Virgil replied with a smirk.

"How dare? No, I did no such thing. I'm calling slander. I walked over here plenty loudly, you were the one not paying attention," Remy pouted.

Virgil's temporary excitement of having his playful roommate messing with him melted away as he slumped and leaned back against his friend's chest.

"Guess I wasn't," Virgil mumbled.

He sighed softly as he rolled the pen in the palm of his hand. Virgil yelped as suddenly his chair was shifted out further into the room, away from his desk and turned to face Remy.

"Alright, something's up. Why do you even have this thing out?" Remy called him out, snatching the pen from his hand.

"It's nothing Rem. I'm just stuck in my head," Virgil replied, trying to be nonchalant about it as his now empty hands pinched at his clothes as a desperate attempt to do something with them.

"Hun, you're playing with your soulmate pen. What is wrong? Does it have something to do with Lisa?" Remy guessed worriedly.

"Among other things," Virgil admitted, trying to sink deeper into his chair in an attempt to hide.

He could feel Remy's hands on either arm of the desk chair and feel the heat of radiating off of the body leaning over him. It was suffocating. He had nowhere to go. He already felt uncomfortable but now all of his escape routes were cut off.

"Virgie? Why are you shaking?" Remy asked, his concern audibly growing.

"Please back up, please," Virgil pleaded, pressing a light hand against Remy's chest.

"Sorry Babe, I didn't mean to crowd you. I was just worried," Remy apologized, instantly backing off. "Are you still feeling panicky? Do you need your fidget cube or to sit down with Ember? I'm sorry I didn't think about your claustrophobia."

Virgil slipped from his seat onto the floor, patting his lap so Ember would come over and lay down across his lap like a warm heavy blanket. He relaxed and let out a calmer breath as he ran his fingers through her smooth fur.

Silence grew as Remy also made his way to sit on the floor, keeping his distance so as to not accidentally crowd Virgil again.

"You don't have to talk about it if you really don't want to," Remy conceded guiltily.

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