Chapter 5: Familiar Writing

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Hello again everyone. I hope you are all taking care of yourselves and thank you for reading! 


"Uhhhhg," Remy groaned as they walked, pulling his bag over his shoulder.

"Did you hate classes today that much?" Virgil asked with a raised brow.

"It was so boring. Why can't we have interesting classes?" Remy complained.

"We're freshman, prerequisite classes aren't exactly supposed to be 'fun'," Virgil replied.

"I thought college was supposed to be fun and full of parties and drama and all that junk. Instead it's just busy work and shitty cafeteria food," Remy huffed.

Virgil laughed at the comment.

"Yeah, I have to agree with you with the food. I swear that they lie about half the ingredients because there is no way all of the food should be rubbery and taste like literal garbage. The only thing edible is the pizza."

"I never thought I'd end up wanting to throw up at the thought of eating pizza, but here we are. Only a week into actual classes and I already can't stand it," Remy laughed dryly.

Virgil shuttered. He really was starting to hate it as well, even though he formerly thought hating pizza was a sin. Still both of them had limited money and with Remy's coffee addiction, they had to use their food swipes if they actually wanted to eat. Still he wouldn't feed Ember most of the food they offered.

The two of them walked through the automatic doors into the cafeteria and swiped their cards to purchase their entrance into the buffet styled hall.

"Hell yes!" Remy cheered as they walked over. "They have ham and swiss sandwiches today."

"I hate swiss cheese but I'll eat anything different at this point," Virgil sighed.

"Let's claim some seats, then you and Ember can guard the table while I grab the food," Remy suggested.

"I can get my own food you know," Virgil pointed out.

"I know. But I'm being nice, so you sit, and I will get food," Remy instructed, pushing Virgil gently down in a chair.

Virgil could hear the sound of Remy's footsteps fading into the loud cacophony of all the other sounds fellow students and the staff were creating. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, tugging gently on Ember's leash so she'd lie down by his feet and out of the way of others so she wouldn't accidentally get hurt by someone in a rush. It didn't take long for his roommate to return with two plates of food. Virgil sniffed a bit, noticing a different scent preset.

"French Fries?" Virgil guessed.

"They had potato wedges today, figured you might want the only thing they know how to put salt on," Remy joked.

"Thanks, Rem," Virgil said before taking a bit out of his sandwich.

He was right, he hated swiss. He sighed a bit to himself as he pulled apart the slices of bread and ate the meat and the side without melted cheese. At least it was a meal other than pizza or minute meals back at the dorm. The potato wedges were good, not nutritious but good. Remy must have agreed because he could already hear that tell tail slide of his plate across the table noting that he'd finished.

"Mmm, they have cupcakes for once, I think I'm going to get one. Want one while I'm up there?" Remy asked.

"I'll pass," Virgil replied.

Remy let out an indifferent hum as he got up and walked away again. Virgil finished his last wedge and began scratched absently at his tingling on his arm. He hadn't really realized he was doing it at first but the familiar sensation struck him. He paused mid scratch and pulled up the arm of his hoodie, running his hand over the mostly smooth skin. The tingling continued along his arm, it was Lisa again. She didn't write or draw much anymore, probably because at this age soulmates rarely felt the need to write to each other and doing so was almost looked down upon by others. He felt no romantic love for Lisa, but after all the change with going to college, the familiarity of the unseen ink sprawling across his skin was a bit comforting.

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