Chapter 17: Can You Hear My Heart?

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Hello, hello! Welcome back. Trigger warnings for this chapter are going to be anxiety/borderline metal breakdown, miscommunication, and themes of lying. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Take care of yourself and thank you for reading!! 


"Thanks for coming out with me today," Remy said.

Virgil could hear the soft sad smile in his voice, but he did his best to ignore it.

"It's whatever, I needed a short break anyways," Virgil replied.

It'd already been two days since he'd gotten in a fight with Remy over the trio and things were still tense between them. He could tell Remy obviously wanted to say something to Virgil every time they spoke but instead he was just choosing his words carefully and doing his best to maintain what remained of the peace between them. Virgil wished he could say the same about himself but he was too emotionally tired to care, he was upset, irritable, anxious, and Remy was there taking reaction or lack thereof in stride. He'd been taking advantage of Remy's friendship.

Virgil raised his head as he sighed, feeling a gust of chilled wind that rushed down the narrow campus street. They were nearing the center of campus now if the sound of foot traffic was any indication. He'd gotten a bit turned around during their walk to a junor's off-campus house so Remy could return some study materials they'd been kind enough to lend him so he could create his own copy to study for the midterms. He supposed he didn't need to know, he had no intention of returning to their house and he trusted both Remy and Ember to know how to get him back to the dorms. A few days ago he would've found enjoyment in teasing Remy for how much more trust he put in his seeing eye dog than the directionally challenged human, but right now it didn't feel right to verbalize. No need to

"You okay, gurl? You're more spacy than usual," Remy asked worriedly.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'll be fine. Just thinking again," Virgil replied.

Remy let out a heavy breath and they fell into an uneasy silence. Better silence than an argument Virgil supposed, even if a bit bitter about that reality.


Virgil flinched as he heard the voice. It was still at a distance. They could leave, pretend they didn't hear anything.

"Remy, let's go. Right now, speed would be appreciated," Virgil stated hushedly.

"Virgil! Wait up! Don't you dare try to evade me!"

"I think it's a bit too late to escape without some kind of conversation, Vi-Vi. When the resident drama king sets his mind on something he is too persistent for his own good," Remy said, the teasing tone intended to raise Virgil's spirits even if he was only half joking.

"I didn't want to deal with this," Virgil groaned.

"Well I don't know what else you were expecting when you blocked all of them. They're too stubborn to leave it at that," Remy pointed out.

Virgil just let out a huff as they continued to keep walking in the vain attempt to escape the approaching individual.

"Come on Virgil. I know you've heard me this whole time. You have great hearing," Roman chastised him as he caught up and looped around Virgil to stop him in his tracks. "What the hell is going on? You've blocked all of our numbers without any warning or anything?"

"L-look Princy, I don't want to talk about it," Virgil stumbled nervously.

"But I do. You have some explaining to do. We were getting close, we were all having fun, why would you abandon us? You hurt Patton and Logan... and me," Roman said, the initial almost angry frustration in his voice turning sad.

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