chapter 22

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Walking into there large closet lailah sigh as she remove her clothes, she wonder where her husband is all his cars are in the garage but he isn't home, she amble herself to the bathroom with a sigh she switch on the light and jump in frightening making her to hit her head on the door.

What are you doing in the dark?" Lailah ask her husband confused.

"Enjoying myself.
Come join me in the jacuzzi tub if you want to" he say with a raise brow and lailah snort with a hiss.

She exit the bathroom and head to the guest bedroom, she want to mend her relationship with her husband but not this way he can't just pretend everything it's fine and they move on,
Everything isn't fine and he has a serious explanation to do for his callous behaviour.

Lailah spend her time in the bathroom removing all the stress and washing away her problems , she step out of the shower and put on her bathrobe before heading back to there bedroom, she put on her night wear and decide to call it a night.

"Dinner in bed for the love of my life."jalal say with a smile and enter the bedroom, lailah stare at him from where she's sitting on the bed.

Jalal drop the tray of food next to bed as he kneel next to his wife, he hold her two hands with a weak smile.

" I don't know how to start,
I know a sorry won't change how i have been treating you,
Honestly speaking i don't even know what comes over me,
But you do know you are the one and only love of my life right?"
I love you so much and it sometimes even terrifies me.
Just find a place in your heart and forgive me."jalal say staring at his wife.

"What's going on between you and my niece?" Lailah ask and jalal feels his pulse picking up.

"There's nothing going on between us.
Truthful talk we have been hanging out around much lately but it's nothing, afrah is like a daughter to me,
And i was just trying to be nice to her and be there for her but considering the way things are turning into i think it's best if i let her be on her own,
It's only you i love." Jalal say with a smile and lailah stare at him,
She trust her husband and right now staring into his eyes she sees nothing but honesty.

Promise me you will never do anything like this to me." Lailah say and jalal face lighten up in happiness.

"I promise." He say and lailah smile.

The couple enjoy there dinner together mostly jalal doing the talking as he keeps on yapping about how much he Misses them been together.


The next morning jalal join his wife in the kitchen it's the weekend so he plan to spend with his wife and he has a surprise for her.

"I wonder if afrah has waken up." Lailah say and jalal pretend not to hear as he continued dicing the onions.

Pacing in her bedroom afrah stare at her reflection in the mirror.

"Why can't i have him.
I'm beautiful and young.
I'm better than her." Afrah say to her reflection with a sigh.

"She's better than you and you can't replace her." A voice ring in her head and she shake her head.

She rummage through her wardrobe and put on a red jumpsuit and exit out of the bedroom.

"I have a surprise for you.
And guess what?" Jalal voice echo around the house making afrah to stand eavesdropping by the staircase.

"Very funny?
Tell me about this surprise you are excited about?Lailah say afrah feel her heartbeat rapidly the intensity of the hatred she has toward her aunt multiplying each time she sees her with jalal.

" we are going to Greece and we will spend 14 days tour in Athens."jalal say with excitement dripping from his voice.

Afrah feel a wave of anger and jealousy accumulating in her,
How could he do this to her.
She love him and it's only fair if he love her back, she doesn't care if he's married to her aunt,
She love him and he's going to be hers whether or not he want it.

"Afrah." Lailah called confused as she stare weirdly at her niece who's standing up the staircase with a cold look on her face.

"Breakfasts is all set." Lailah say and afrah jump slightly coming out of her daydream.

"Good morning."" Afrah grumble and head down the stair's.

"Morning honey.
Are you alright?
You look very uhmmmm weird.
Is something bothering you ." Lailah say worriedly.

She might be upset with her niece for trying to snitch with her husband but she still care about her.

"I'm fine." Afrah say and lailah node.

"Jalal and i are going for vacation to Athens do you want come with us." Lailah ask and jalal feels his heart flip.

"Ac......jalal try saying.

" nope.
I will be fine."afrah say curtly making jalal to release a heavy breathe he doesn't know he's holding.
"When are you two going?" Afrah ask with her gaze strain on jalal who's busy cutting the carrot.

I just find out this morning.
Honey when is the trip?" Lailah ask excitedly and jalal looks up from what he's doing.

"Monday." Jalal say as he glance at afrah who node with a shrug.

I hope you two have fun." Afrah say with a smile which looks more like a smirk with a sarcasm dripping of her voice.

"Anyway I will leave you two.
I have some work to complete at the office." Afrah say and lailah turn to face her.

"The breakfast will soon be done." Lailah say and afrah shrug.

"It's fine.
Just have fun,
I will eat later.
I will be upstairs." Afrah say and leave the kitchen.

Afrah mouth twitch into a mischievous smile, she isn't going to Greece and neither will they be going.

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