chapter 51

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Pacing in the parlour lailah face palm with a sigh as she repeatedly dial her husband contact but it's still switched off, for the first since they are married jalal spend the night somewhere else and lailah knows he was indeed definitely with Afrah, lailah still doesn't have even an ounce of regret of what she did to her niece besides they say everything is fair in love not to mention the fact that Afrah did same to her, lailah find herself regretting why she didn't listen to her husband but she was scared and thought afrah won't want to take her husband away from her but turn out she was wrong afrah is a snitch and she will make sure she pay for betraying her the way she did, the parlour door creak open making her to look up abruptly and jalal comes in Lailah watch as he offer Afrah his hand but she decline making her to release a satisfying breathe.

"Good afternoon aunt lailah." Afrah greet but Lailah just give her a distasteful deadly glare and turn her gaze to jalal who drop the shopping bag on the couch and head to the kitchen, with a loud hiss she follow him to the kitchen.

"You slept outside yesterday jalal,
We've been married for years and yesterday you just prove to me you don't love me anymore,
did you slept with her?" Lailah ask and jalal shake his head with a sigh opening the fridge he grab two case of water and exit the kitchen with Lailah trailing behind him making what he presumed to be noise in his opinion.

"I'm talking to you jalal!" Lailah yell as jalal scan the parlour with his eyes and Afrah isn't there a sign she head to her bedroom making him to sigh and turn his gaze to Lailah.

"You slept with her,
You are my husband jalal why are you treating me this way?
I love you,
I miss you and it's going to drive me insane if you continue mistreating me this way." Lailah say trying her best not to break down, jalal just stare at lailah he doesn't want to speak because he knows whatever word with unfold from his mouth will rather drive Lailah insane plus he promise afrah not to do anything crazy.

"Answer me jalal,
Did you love my niece?" Lailah ask at this point she can't control her emotions so she let the tears leave her eyes, jalal sigh and stare at lailah he hate the fact that regardless lailah's persnickety behavior a part of him still care about her not to mention how badly he hate it when she cry.

"It's OK." Jalal say grabbing lailah by the hand and hug her.

"You are hurting me jalal,
I really love you." Lailah say crying into her husband embrace making him to smile, sure lailah has her fault but she's his wife and first love that feeling will always be there regardless all the circumstances going on in there life.

Coming out from her bedroom Afrah walk to the staircase but stop midway at the sight, her uncle is hugging her aunt he has a smile on his face as he whisper into her ear, Afrah stare at the two she doesn't know why she isn't happy this is what she always wanted for her uncle and aunt to settle there difference then why isn't she happy,
Afrah knows that feeling it's that unpleasant emotion we feel when we think someone is trying to take what is ours jealousy a word Afrah don't want to start feeling towards her uncle yet the feeling is soo overwhelming that it feel like a sharp sword penetrating through her fragile heart, she didn't realises she's crying until the acidic liquid roll down to her lips making her feel the salty taste on her tongue, she quickly and quietly wipe her tears before turning back and head to her bedroom.

"I love you jalal,
Please don't ever treat me this way." Lailah say and break the hug.

Jalal stare at lailah with a smile,
He still have his hand wrapped around her waist, she stand on her toes and kiss him, jalal waste no time in retaliating the passionate kiss,
It feels like a fire just ignite in him, the two kiss each other with soo much emotion it's clear that they have been starving and craving for each other, it's been a long time since they make love and right now jalal find himself even more hungrier than usual for sex,
he literally rip the button of Lailah shirt without breaking the kiss making her to smile against his lips,
Jalal then begin to slow down as his hand fall from Lailah's body, it then hit him hard that very imaginative image of his wife with another man and just like that jalal feel all the desire he's been craving for slipping away and he stop making Lailah to look at him confuse.


" I can't lailah,
I need a cold shower. "He announce and saunter quickly to his bedroom upstairs.

Lailah watch as her husband disappear upstairs making her to release a heavy sigh,
why did he stop?
Did he not want her anymore?
Did he cheat on her with her niece?
If Afrah sleep with her husband lailah is sure she's going to kill her because that means Afrahs level of betrayal is unacceptable, with soo much in her head Lailah decide she also need a cold shower to think straight.


Turning the noodles into a bowl Afrah feel a hand slide to her waist and she quickly turn making jalal to raise his hand up in surrender smiling,
Afrah scan his outfit with her eyes and then turn back to what she's doing the image of jalal hugging her aunt won't stop popping into her head, she want that feeling to stop but she can't control it.

" is everything OK?"jalal ask worriedly standing next to Afrah by the stove with his hand fold to his chest.

"Nothing." Afrah grumble picking the fork and her case of water before exiting the kitchen with a confuse jalal trailing behind her.

"Then why are you angry?
What happened?" Jalal ask reaching to touch Afrah but she give him a look that jalal knows better than to touch her, he watch as she drop the noodles bowl with the case of water and sit.

Jalal take a sit next to afrah as he turn his attention on her staring how she gently eat the noodles.

"Aren't you going to offer me the food?" Jalal ask curiously smiling at Afrah and she look up from her bowl of noodles.

"Why don't you go and tell your wife to cook for you, the last time i check she's a better cook than me." Afrah find herself saying and glare at her uncle who look at her in surprisation.

Jalal just stare confuse at afrah trying to comprehend what just happened then he hear her grumble "been all frisky in the parlour" to herself and then it registered to him what Afrahs anger is all about, the confuse look on his face turn into amusement as he stare at Afrah who's eating the noodles without a care, jalal find himself smiling at her he then question himself "is she seriously jealous" never did he know that very soon his life will spiral out of control with alot of complicated twist that will turn his entire life into a diabolical twisted love story.

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Don't forget to add up my other book distasteful desires and chronicles of Abduljabbar.

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