chapter 48

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Sauntering down the stairs Lailah look around the neat parlour and she feel her heart skip, the noise coming from the kitchen caught her attention and she briskly walk to the kitchen but stop confuse by the scene going on inside.

"Lailah always add that stuff and it always taste fantastic." Jalal say to afrah who's cutting the vegetables as he turn the pasta into a sieve.

"Uhmmm i always adore aunt lailah cooking,
Trust me when i tell you i suck at cooking and house chores,
My mum always say she pity the man that will take me to his house as his wife." Afrah say making jalal to chuckle.

"Unfortunately I'm the unlucky man,
What a pity,
Let me help you with that." Jalal say helping afrah to fix the strand of her hair she's trying to get rid from her face.

"" what the hell is going on here?"lailah yell making afrah to turn in frightening and mistakenly hit the knife on her hand making it to slash her pinky finger.

"Ouch." Afrah say sticking her pinky into her mouth.

"What is going on Afrah?
Do you have any sort of explanation to what you are doing with my husband?
Just because jalal ask you........

"What is wrong with you lailah.
Afrah is my wife she literally have same right as you in this house,
Let's get something straight here,
It's either you join us to Cook the breakfast or please calmly leave." Jalal say and turn to afrah who's too busy trying to stop her bleeding finger to pay attention to whatever is going on.

"Are you deaf Afrah?" Lailah yell gaining Afrahs attention as she stare at her aunt.

"I was doing the chores and uncle j offer to help,
I'm sorry i will just leave." Afrah say and remove the apron but jalal grab her hand.

"You are not going anywhere,
I'm giving you this last warning lailah,
Afrah is my wife,
If you try to make her uncomfortable in this house you won't like the the action I'm going to take." Jalal warn and lailah laugh bitterly as afrah wiggle her hand out of Jalal grip and run out of the kitchen.

You can't have two blood in the same house,
This thing you are doing is ridiculous what will people think of you,
I'm ashamed of  this despicable thing you did."lailah say bitterly and jalal chuckle with a slight laugh

" really
What will people think if they know that my wife has been sleeping with the security guy for only god knows when,
Lailah don't push me to doing something we will both regret,
It's either you respect yourself or i will make you do that."jalal warn and turn off the store before exiting the kitchen.

Lailah watch in bewilderment she seriously can't believe Afrah will snitch on her, she doesn't care if afrah says jalal was just helping her because in as much as she knows she's his wife and anything can happen, she need to give afrah a serious warning she can't possibly ruin her marriage, she trusted her that's why she ask her to marry jalal, it's not even up to a week and they are trying to get close to each other what will happen in a month, she storm out of the kitchen and head upstairs.

Dressing her wound with the gauze the door to her bedroom creak open making her to look up then avert her gaze back to her hand.

Jalal sigh and collect the gauze from Afrah and begin dressing the wound for her.

"Why are you doing all this uncle j?" Afrah ask she really hate what's going on, she doesn't want her aunt to hate her.

"Doing what?" Jalal ask with a heavy sigh as he finish wrapping the gauze around afrahs pinky.

"Doing all this,
You do know i can never be a wife to you right?
I care about my aunt and i can't see you as anything other than my uncle,
Sure i use to have a thing for you but not any longer, I care about you as an uncle, I always portrayed you as a fatherly figure and nothing more." Afrah say and jalal look up with a smile.

"I'm glad you see me that way Afrah,
But you are my wife now,
I won't ever force you to do anything you don't want to, I'm not going to force you to love me or see me as a husband but i am not going to tolerate your aunt mistreating you that way,
I understand lailah's anger but i warned her, I told her I'm never going to divorce whoever it is i married and she go ahead and insisted on marrying you, I don't know Afrah but it's best if you stop believing in whatever lailah says to you because it's never going to happened,
You are my wife now and you will always be forever." Jalal say and Afrah look up from her finger, there's a sincerity in jalal eyes that tells her he meant every word he say and she release a heavy sigh.

"Friends again?" Afrah ask offering her hand to jalal making him to chuckle as he push her hand away and hug.

"Friends forever." Jalal say as he release a heavy breathe before breaking the hug.

"But you have to stop being harsh on aunt lailah, forget that stuff ever happened,
You kept on bringing it up repeatedly,
Treat her the way you always use to,
She misses you that's why she's acting this way." Afrah say  and jalal sigh.

"I'm trying Afrah,
Somethings are just difficult to let go but i will try." He say and afrah smile.

Let's go finish making the breakfast." Afrah say and jalal node.

He stand up and offer afrah his hand she grab it and he help her up, the door open and surprisingly lailah is standing there with her hands akimbo as she glare at Afrah.

"Aunt lailah it's not what you think." Afrah try to explain but lailah slap her on the cheek, jalal quickly raise his hand to slap lailah but afrah quickly grab his hand.

"I'm sorry aunt lailah,
I promise you there's nothing going on between me and uncle j,

" just shut up Afrah,
Jalal is my husband and it's better if you keep your slutty self away from him or else you won't like the consequence."Lailah say with a glare and dash downstairs exiting the parlour shutting the door with a loud thud.

"Afrah if your aunt is going to continue acting this childish and treating you this way I'm not going to tolerate it, if you can tolerate this i cannot because this is totally insane and she's going nut if she think doing all this will make me divorce you." Jalal say and afrah chuckle dragging him down the stairs.

"This is not funny Afrah,
I'm been serious here." Jalal say as the head to the kitchen to continue preparing the breakfast which is more like an early lunch since it's past 12pm.

😂😂where are my night owls oya come and save your sister Afrah from this crazy lady.

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Issa double, double and double update because I'm in a extra good mood today.

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