chapter 33

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"Lailah." Jalal knock on the guest bedroom where his wife spend the night.

"Honey please come out we need to talk." He say knocking on the door, the bedroom door creak open.

"What do you want to say jalal,
You are not going to marry afrah that's final I'm not an idiot." Lailah say and jalal sigh with a facepalm.

"Can i come in please?" Jalal say with a sigh and lailah enter the bedroom as he follow in.

"Lailah." Jalal call as he shut the door close.
"Baby you have to trust me now,
Believe me and have faith in me with any decision i will make from now henceforth because it's for the best,
We need to be strong for each other ,
I need you now more than ever to support me." Jalal say holding his wife hand.

"This isn't fair you know how your mum already hate me, what will she even think if she hear this news,
I'm pregnant jalal that's what your mum always wanted right to have a grandchild.
Then why is all this happening to us now." Lailah say crying and jalal just sigh hugging her to his chest, this is too much for him, this is suppose to be a very happy moment for them but instead they have to deal with all this because of Afrah.

"I am going to the office i need to check on somethings i will be back before sadiq arrive please lailah don't tell him anything that will upset afrah, just tell him i am the one that decide i want to marry her." Jalal say and lailah node, do she know deep inside her she isn't going to do as he ask her to but she just want to please him so he can leave that way sadiq will come and take afrah with him, she cannot deal with the psychotic girl.

Lailah see her husband off to work before heading back inside the house reminiscing about the whole scemerio going on in her life.

Jalal POV

Listening attentively to the doctor i wonder why on earth i didn't listen to him in the first place, i should have let them treated her all this wouldn't have been an issue if i listen to the doctor advice.

"So now doctor isn't there anything we can do about that?
She's crazy she think i love her and we have a nonexistence relationship or something it's terrifying and threatening my marriage already?'i say and the doctor sigh.

"Like i told you earlier jalal your wife niece needed help since she was out of coma, she was delusional and i don't know much because I'm not a psychiatrist but the best advice is you should take everything slow with her she can be dangerous, Dr Ugo is out of the country for now but i will speak to him and let you know when he's coming back so you can take her there. "The doctor explain and i release a heavy breathe.

" OK.
Should we be worried about her?"I ask because i might hate afrah but now I'm worried about her health since the doctor make it clear she need help.

"All you have to do is try and be nice to her, make sure you avoid upsetting her because that's the only way you both can be happy, maybe you should find a healthful and absorbing distractions, such as reading, painting, or anything that can make less lonely, maybe just some regular spending time with friends and trying to keep her busy." The doctor advice and i try to mull over what he say.

"Won't that make her even more obsessed i mean that's what she clearly want." I say confuse and the doctor sigh.

"Like i say earlier jalal I'm not a psychiatrist but people with such estranged personality need attention and serious care, loneliness and isolation is very bad for them if you leave her by herself trust me that's when she will start thinking of hurting your wife,
I will make sure i try to reach out to Dr ugo and get back to you immediately but until then just make sure she is safe and calm." He say and I node.

I with try thank you very much ." I say and we exchange handshake before i exit the hospital.

As i drive back home i reminiscence about what the doctor advice me and i sigh, this seems simple yet difficult lailah won't even like the idea of us spending time with afrah, his wife is a very jealous person,
If only afrah was treated earlier all this wouldn't escalated, I should have listen to her mum and the doctor when they advice on taking her to the psychiatric ward but i was worried and i feel sorry for her since she won't stop calling my name to stop them from taking her to the mental health unit, with a sigh i turn my attention back to the road as i take the last turn to our estate.

"Are you crazy afrah?
How can you even think of doing something like that?
He's your uncle does that even make any senses to you?" Sadiq say to his sister as he stare angrily at her.

Afrah ignore him and continue making her cereal, she can't believe her aunt have the nerve to report her to her brother the only reason she won't tell him about there aunt dirty secrets is because of jalal, she know how much upset and hurt he will be.

"Am i not speaking to you?" Sadiq say and push the cereal bowl away from Afrah making her to look up at him.

"I love him and I'm going to marry him, not you or my so-called aunt can stop that from happy........Afrah don't get to finish her sentence her brother land a very loud slap on her cheek.

Sadiq is one of those few people that like keeping there emotions intact but if explode they act irrational not bothering the aftermath consequence, he add two slaps to afrah cheek making her to crumble on the floor.

Since know one can stop you from marrying him maybe if you are dead that way you won't have to marry him and everyone will be at peace, right." He say and grab the turner from the kitchen island hitting her on the hand making her to scream.

"Stop you are hurting me ya sadiq." Afrah yell and try standing up to run but sadiq quickly press her leg and hit her with the turner again.

"Our mum died and all you want to do is marry her sister's husband, right,
You will rather die than humiliate me and my aunt that way,
Stupid spoilt brat." Sadiq say and hit her with the turner as she scream to her aunt who's standing with her hand fold to her chest watching.

"Aunt lailah please help me,
Ya sadiq I'm sorry please." Afrah yell but sadiq is furious and if care is not taken he's going to beat his sister's to death if nobody intervene he's already lost it, he's hitting afrah with soo much frustration venting all the anger in afrah blaming her for all the misfortune going on in his life, from there mum's death, to his failed relationship and rejected marriage proposal he blame it all on her beating her violently until she passed out on the kitchen floor.

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I love you all.

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