chapter 49

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The next few days past by in a complete chaos, jalal has given up on lailah crazy behavior and decide the only thing she need is prayers,he has try the calm, gentle, tender, harsh and hard ways and it's all to no avail lailah is literally out of control Afrah try several times to speak to her aunt but Lailah won't listen, Afrah decide regardless whatever she send her aunt message assuring her there's nothing going on between she and jalal and nothing will ever come between them, today Afrah wake up late than usual her two weeks break is already coming to an end which she is really looking forward to go back to work perhaps that will keep her aunt mind at rest, ambling herself downstairs Afrah is surprised to see her aunt already arranged the breakfast table.

"Good morning aunt lailah." Afrah greet a little unsure wether her aunt will repluy back and is surprised when lailah smile at her.

"Morning Afrah,
Breakfast is all set." Lailah say and afrah smile.

"Ohhh yummy is it that Chinese pasta?" Afrah ask excitedly and lailah node handing afrah one of the plate full with the pasta, afrah excitedly collect it and waste no time and start eating making her aunt to chuckle.

"I'm so hungry,
I miss your cooking." Afrah say and lailah node looking at afrah who's eat almost half the food.

"How did it taste?" Lailah ask and afrah give her a thumbs up.

"Fantastic." Afrah say and lailah laugh with a chuckle as she sit on the chair facing Afrah.

Afrah feel a slight twitch in her abdomen but shake it off and continue eating her food without a care, she cough and lailah hand her the glass of water with a smile as she stare at her.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Afrah ask her aunt and lailah chuckle.

"Are you sure this food taste the way you like it because this will probably be your last meal in this world." Lailah say and afrah chuckle but stop as she register what her aunt say making her to look up abruptly.

"Wh...what do you mean?" Afrah ask confuse as she stare at the small content of the pasta remaining in the plate as the sharp pain in her abdomen twitch this time a little more painful making her to look up at her aunt in confusion trying hard not to believe what her mind is instigating to her.

"Yes Afrah,
This will be your last meal because i can't share you with jalal,
No way i can share jalal with any woman not even you,
He's mine alone,
So you will just have to die." Lailah say with a smile, she wish she can feel anything for Afrah atleast even a pity but her heart feel so empty not a single emotion is in it atleast not towards Afrah.

Afrah fall from the dinning chair and lailah just watch callously from where she's sitting as afrah try to fight for her dear life.

Walking down the stairs jalal sigh as a yawn escape his mouth, his eyes dart to the dinning and surprisingly lailah is sitting there smiling making him to chuckle, maybe his wife need a mental attention, his eyes dart to where her gaze is and he feel his heart drop.

"Afrah!" Jalal yell and rush to where Afrah is laying, she started convulsing and he glance at lailah.

"Did you do this?" Jalal ask confuse and lailah shrug, he quickly pick Afrah up and grab the car key by the door hook and rush outside the house premises he quickly lay afrah in the back seat and run to driver seat before speeding out of the house in full speed.

The drive to the hospital is one of the short yet longest drive jalal ever had in his life, he kept on glancing at Afrah who's trying her best to stay alive, he doesn't want to believe that lailah is capable of something like this, he knows his lailah and he believe his wife won't try to kill anyone let alone her only niece.

Once at the hospital Afrah is wheel straight to the theatre room as jalal patiently and calmly pace around the muttering all the du'a he ever know in his life.

After a tutoring 2hours the door to the theatre open and jalal stand uo abruptly, the doctor release a heavy breathe and smile weakly at jalal.

"She's fine,
Because she just ate the food we try and extract it out, she vomited some,
We gave her an antidote to prevent the poison from working if there's some still in her system,
She's fine, we will continue monitoring her the nurses has wheel her to her room already." The doctor say pointing to a door exit from the theatre room.

"Thank you doctor." Jalal say and quickly meet one of the nursea to direct him to afrahs room.

Staring at the white paint wall Afrah still can't proceed what happened,
Her aunt poisoning her is the last thing she do ever expected in the world, Afrah still doesn't blame her aunt she still remember vividly clear that she also pisomw her aunt couple of months ago guess what they say about karma is real, what goes around indeed comes around.

"Afrah." Jalal call entering the room and close the door shut,

He sit on the edge of the bed and slightly brush Afrah forehead,
He stare at afrah making her to smile weakly at him and she mouth "I'm OK now" to him as she slightly put her hand on his face, jalal grab Afrah hand and kiss it.

The emotions running through him is soo overwhelming that he can't explain exactly what he's feeling, if anything had happened to Afrah today he doesn't know wether he will ever be fine nor forgive himself, Jalal lay on the bed next Afrah, he raise her head and put his hand underneath around her shoulder and lay her head on his chest, Afrah didn't refuse him not because she doesn't want to but because she knows Jalal need that closure for him to suppress the emotions going through him,
As they lay together on the bed Afrah find comfort in jalals body, she begin to fantasize about things she knows she shouldn't until a heavy sleep knock her out of conscious.

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Lailah this is getting out of hand.
Afrah fans will murder you if something had happen to there girl.

Well now this just get interesting.
Who else is excited for the next update.
Say pim and i will drop another one for you😁.

With lots of love from me.
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