24: A Solution for the Troubled

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A busy morning became a busy evening became a busy week.

The Humphrey siblings were sent for and arrived the next day. They brought with them an apology from Thomas; he had decided to remain near his family and the gaol in case he was able to discover anything further.

"Good of him," David said with a stiff nod, his arms moving to fold across his chest. "I must thank you both for coming. I know you have better things to be doing than-"

Bart clapped him firmly on the shoulder. "Think nothing of it. We are happy to assist."

David smiled slightly, letting the bigger man pass him into the house. He looked to Vincent then. The younger fellow just adjusted his spectacles, blinking at him. Both men were relieved when Phil appeared at their side, reaching for Vincent's hand.

"Come, Vin – we need your help."

Her brother let her pull him away.

David watched them go, only to find Matt grinning from the doorway. He gripped his brother's shoulder as they passed but waited for David to reach him before moving.

David wet his lips as Matt fell into step beside him and they followed the other two up to the study at a distance. "A peculiar man, your brother."

Matt barked out a laugh and raked his hair out of his eyes. "He is that, isn't he. I'm sure he'll speak to you when he finds something more comfortable to discuss."

"Do I make him uncomfortable?" David asked quickly, a frown carving into his forehead.

This time, Matt only shrugged. "The world makes my brother uncomfortable."

In spite of his perpetual discomfort, Vincent helped Phil finish going through the estate finances, and also began perusing some of the notes from the solicitor and the bank. David might have helped, but Simon and Bart kept him at their side, discussing the tenants, the crops they grew and the livestock they ran. He was ashamed not to know much about them, apart from what he'd read, and was easily encouraged to make trips to the occupants of his land every day. He met them, talked to them, learnt from them, and then returned to the main house to discuss it all with the Humphrey brothers.

"The main hardship they face is not having enough hands to bring in the harvests," he said one night, nursing a cup of spiced wine and looking over the map that was laid across his desk. "There is too much land and they lose so much produce to the changing seasons."

Simon ran a hand across his face, stifling a yawn. It was late and he was having difficulty focussing on the notes in front of him. "You could divvy the land up further, I suppose, or hire hands to help with the harvest. That was you could take a portion of the profit and feed it directly back into the estate. It would work so long as..."

He was too tired to realise that David had long since stopped listening, sitting bolt-upright in his chair with a small frown on his face. "Divide the land up? The tenants would not feel cheated?"

The other man blinked slowly. "I wouldn't think so, particularly if you consulted with them. They get a more manageable chunk of land and stop spending money on wasted crops, and the rent they pay you would decrease. You'd get happier tenants and more of them, increasing your return as well. No one should have a problem with that." He readjusted his position, his head tilting back to rest against the back of his seat. The chairs were still not comfortable, but if one was tired enough then anything would do.

David's gaze was fixed on the map, imaging where new borders could be drawn to give equal value to all tenants. The idea might work, he thought with equal parts excitement and guilt. It would work, but he should have thought of it. And sooner. His hand drifted to rub his chest, just below his breastbone where the hollow feeling was located. His memory had shown no signs of returning further; the last twelve or more months of his life were lost. He would never know why he abandoned the estate, why he fled his duty, and the guilt had carved a place in his chest.

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