8: The Men on the List

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After a while, Beth drifted away from her Aunt and Uncle and towards some younger women of her acquaintance that were clustered by the dance floor. They gushed as she approached, clasping her hands and telling her how fine she looked, but Beth couldn't help but distrust their opinions. One was recently married and another two were engaged, but when they too had been looking for husbands their compliments had never felt particularly sincere. The last woman, who looked very young to Beth, was introduced to her as Lady Greer Evlington.

Greer was short and plump, with her fine dark hair gathered in romantic waves at the nape of her neck. Her smile was rosy and genuine, and she appeared remarkably at ease in the boisterous ball.

"Is this your first Quentin Ball?"

The girl nodded gently. "It is." She glanced around the room, noting the tables strewn with food and drink, the fabric which draped the walls and the elegant chandelier that was suspended in the centre of the room. The band played the last notes of a song, resulting in a smattering of clapping, as she turned back to Beth. "Everything is very fine."

The girl's gaze darted past her, her eyes widening slightly. Beth felt a hand on her elbow before she could turn.

"Beth," Bart said by way of greeting.

"Lady Greer Evlington, this is my brother Lord Bartholomew Humphrey, the Earl of Hurst." She gestured between them. The young girl bobbed a curtsey and her brother offered a quick bow.

"Shall we dance, Beth?" She agreed, so he took her hand in his, nodding again at Greer. "Lady Evlington."

The next song started up, and they joined the crowd on the dance floor. The routine had them part and return multiple times, but when they were close Bart would whisper a sentence or two.

"Lord Decker is over by the balcony. I will introduce you after this dance. He's a very good man, very well respected. Of those on the list, he is my personal preference."

Beth's brows raised at the idea of her brothers having preferences, but then she liked the idea of them being that invested.

The song ended quickly, and Beth was suddenly being escorted across the room towards a very handsome man. Lord Decker was almost as tall as Bart, with sandy hair combed deliberately out of his face and a wide smile. For a moment, he reminded her of John. She could hardly imagine being at a ball with the injured man. He would be relaxed, of course, and probably laugh like Lord Decker. She wondered if he'd ask her to dance?

She shook her head abruptly to clear those thoughts, coming to her senses just in time for her brother to introduce her.

"Beth, this is Lord Benjamin Decker. Ben, my sister Lady Elizabeth Humphrey."

He smiled at her warmly. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Humphrey."

"And yours, Lord Decker." She bobbed a curtsey as he bowed and felt the first swirls of possibility rising in her chest.

"I'd actually been meaning to find you tonight, Bart." His voice was steady and warm; she could imagine his intonation as he read her poetry by an open fire. And he liked her brother – to like one was to at least tolerate them all. "I wanted to introduce you to Miss Abigail Eliot." A statuesque brunette appeared at his elbow, casting a distasteful look down her nose at Beth. She hoped Lord Decker wasn't creating and introduction with her brother; she could already tell she didn't want this woman for a sister-in-law. "Miss Eliot is my fiancé."

Beth's expression froze, just as the resentment on Miss Eliot's thawed into superiority. Her gaze flicked to Bart and she saw her own surprise mirrored on his face. He didn't appear as embarrassed as Beth felt though, probably because his internal monologue hadn't begun naming their children.

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