9: A Stranger with Answers

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The shadow moved to standing and Beth let out a relieved sigh as she recognised her eldest brother.

"Oh, Simon – you startled me!" She chuckled lightly at the end.

Simon did not look amused. The moonlight that shone through the foyer windows glanced across half his face, illuminating one frowning brow and the decidedly downward tilt of his mouth. Her own smile faded in response. Without a word, he extended his hand and gestured for her to follow him, turning and walking up the stairs with purpose.

Her mouth went dry, and she couldn't help but glance back towards John's room. Had Simon seen her emerge? She looked back to her brother to find him stationary at the top of the stairs and watching her.

"Now, Beth." The tone was so unnatural for Simon that she practically ran after him. They walked in silence until they reached his office, where he opened the door and held it ajar so that she could enter first. There was a candle flickering on the desk, wax dripping steadily onto the candelabra, and she fixed her gaze on it as she took a seat.

Simon shut the door firmly and she flinched. He still didn't speak until he was behind the desk.


She interrupted, the words falling out of her mouth before she could stop herself. "Simon, it isn't what you think!"

He did not react well to that. His hands tightened on the arms of his chair, the skin around his knuckles going white, and he made an obvious effort to control his voice when he spoke.

"I think I just saw my unwed sister sneak out of an unknown man's room at -" he glanced to the clock on the mantle, "- three o'clock in the morning." His brows were raised so high they were lost in his hair. "Which part am I overlooking?"

"But I didn't... I would never..." She looked at him, her lower lip quivering slightly. "Simon!"

He softened a fraction, but the look in his eyes was iron. "I know Beth, but young women have been ruined for far less." He ran a hand through his hair, casting his curls into disarray. "How many times have you visited him?"

Beth's eyes closed as tears welled; he had never sounded so disappointed in her. "This is the only time," her words were quiet, but she couldn't be sure they wouldn't turn to sobs if she raised her voice, "apart from reading in the afternoons."

He nodded. "Perhaps that should cease for the time being."

Her head jerked up, and she looked at him with wide eyes. "What?"

"It's my responsibility to ensure you aren't put in any compromising positions, and I think reading – alone – to a stranger is just that."

She rose to her feet quickly. "No! It's not your responsibility, Simon, it's mine!"

He mirrored her, leaning his hands against his desk. "Maybe so, but right now I can't trust you with that responsibility!" he spun away from her quickly, his hands moving to hold his head. He spoke with his back to her. "I've never tried to parent you Beth – our mother and father did a fine job of that – but I am your guardian. According to the law you are my responsibility and under my protection." He turned back slowly, leaning against the wall. "And I will not fail you."

Beth's anger dimmed at the pain in his eyes, and she went to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He hugged her back with a deep sigh. After a moment, she pulled away.

"You've not failed me, but you're right I've... I've failed myself." A single tear broke free and coursed down her cheek, but she swiped it away with the back of her hand. "It won't happen again Si, I promise. But please don't forbid me from reading with John; that time is..." She didn't know how to say it was the best part of her day without saying that.

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