11: A Man with a Plan

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Lord Pendrake called on Beth the next morning. He appeared in the parlour, cheeks flushed charmingly with exertion and a dashing grin on his face, as he brandished a carved cane in one hand and a well-worn top hat in the other.

"Good morning, Lady Elizabeth," he proclaimed from the doorway, bowing deeply at her. Over his shoulder, Beth saw Mr Grayson nod at her as he disappeared to locate one of her brothers. They were alone for only a second before a footman quickly inserted himself into the room, standing flush against the wall with a carefully neutral expression.

He straightened with no apparent knowledge of the goings on of her servants. "How do you do today?"

"Very well, Lord Pendrake. And you?"

"All the better for having seen you!"

Beth laughed lightly, shaking her head. She'd never had a man flirt with her so boldly, and she wasn't quite sure how to respond.

He just smiled. "Shall we go for a walk?"

Matthew appeared in the doorway behind him, tugging a black riding glove over his hand. "Yes, you should! David here can act as chaperone." He raised an eyebrow at the footman.

The young man nodded. "Of course, sir."

Beth scowled at her brother. "I believe he was asking me, Matt." Her expression turned sweet for Lord Pendrake. "I'd like that very much."

The Germaine Estate had been in the Humphrey family for generations and was passed from their father to Simon upon his demise, along with the title of Duke. As old as it was, the property was remarkably well preserved. And the gardens, maintained by a full staff, were particularly spectacular.

Beth felt a small bubble of pride well up in her chest as they walked down the gravel pathways and she recalled her numerous hours spent discussing layouts and designs with the gardeners. They'd discussed everything from which plants would thrive best in the weather conditions, to the optimal orientation for the swing bench to avoid the summer glare.

"You look quite content here," Lord Pendrake observed after a while.

She brushed a wisp of hair out of her face, tucking in behind one ear as she smiled. "I am. I helped design some of the updated sections, so every new bloom brings its own joy."

He stopped beside a rose bush, pointing at it with eyebrows raised. "Did you plant this?"

"No, no," she laughed, "I confess I placed only one or two plants in the earth myself. I helped... organise everything." He had laughed with her, but now he appeared slightly confused. Beth moved forward, waiting until he fell into step beside her to explain. "I have a couple of particularly intelligent siblings who have taught me that the best ideas will never eventuate without a little bit of planning." She thought mostly of Vincent, but had no doubt Phil would join him as she matured. "And that's the part I enjoy; finding the people with the ideas, bringing them together, and just... well, listening." She shrugged. "I suppose it sounds silly, now that I've said it aloud."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him shrug as well. "All the best things are silly."

Beth was mildly affronted by that – she'd hoped he'd say it all made perfect sense and wasn't silly at all – but she successfully kept the frown from forming.

"I myself prefer chance, fate, however you call it. I love when things come together with no planning, like the perfect roll of the dice or hand of cards."

Now that sounded silly to Beth, but she only nodded. "You'd not mentioned that you enjoy games of chance. How is your luck?"

A wave of tension rolled through his shoulders, and after a moment he turned a rather intense gaze to her. "I'm feeling absurdly lucky at the moment," he said softly.

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