Author's Note & FAQ

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Hello Lovely Readers, 

I am in shock and joy right now. Husband Wanted is OFFICIALLY COMPLETE! I'm not even going to mention how late it is, or how many promises I broke getting here, so let's just focus on the bright side - it is finally finished!

Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading along this whole time and waiting patiently for me to get my life together - I am unendingly grateful for your support, encouragement, and engagement with Husband Wanted! If you have any suggestions, constructive criticism, or ideas of what's to come, I would love to hear them - please leave a comment or DM me!

I would also love your guesses about some things:

    - Who do you think the next book will be about?

    - Any guesses as to Thomas' secret? OR what the Thornes are up to?

    - Do you think we've met any future partners already? Any couples you're already shipping?

The Next book is called Daughter on His Doorstep and is already available here: 

Please add it to your libraries or reading lists so you know when updates begin. At this stage, I'm going to focus on writing for the next couple of weeks and hope to publish story details on APRIL 1, and the first chapter before APRIL 14 (this is after my exams, so there's a better chance of me actually meeting the deadline). HOWEVER, if Husband Wanted can get more that 2.5K reads and 250 votes before APRIL 1, I might be swayed to publish the first few chapters I have prepared then... we will see ;) 

Thank you again for all your love and support - it truly does mean the world to me!

xx Flo 

FAQs (Or rather, things that I think you might want to know)

Q1: Is there more to Beth and David's story?  Yes! Although Beth and David will not get their own adventure again, they will appear in the rest of the series in much the same way as the Humphrey brothers were featured throughout Husband Wanted.

Q2: How many more books are there in the Humphrey Chronicles? There are 5 1/2 more! Husband Wanted is the first of 6 books, with a novella in the middle. Not to give too much away, but each Humphrey sibling will get their own story, with some of the broader plot lines weaving throughout. 

Q3: But what about Pendrake? What are the Thornes up to? What's Thomas' secret? etc etc? Most of the unanswered questions (I hope) are deliberate, some I've probably forgotten about. You'll have to keep reading to find out ;) 

Q4: That epilogue was kinda far in the future - what's up with that? I love historical fiction, but I'm always saddened that we don't get to see more of how our lovely characters lives panned out! The epilogues throughout this series will actually all be set at the same time, ~14 years after the end of Husband Wanted. We will hopefully get to see a snapshot of what life is like for all of the family and that time and I hope it will tie the series together nicely. I'd love to know your thoughts on this though!

Q5: Is there anything different about this series that might interest readers? Why, yes! Thank you so much for asking! The Humphrey Chronicles was conceived as I was reading so much lovely historical fiction and wondering about how atypical characters might have fit in back then. Modern, feminist women, people on the autism spectrum, people with mental health issues, people with different sexualities. Each Humphrey sibling will hopefully seek to test one of these boundaries, whilst still conforming to what's good and lovely about Historical Fiction. I hope you will all enjoy the journey as much as me!

If you have any other questions, please comment here or DM me and I will try to answer them!

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