Chapter 02-Broken Vase

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Bai Yuan came back to his studio and laid down on the messy bed. Tiredness and exhaustion was clear on his body and soul. He unbuttoned his suit and kept it hanging on a hanger properly to avoid unwanted wrinkles on the suit.

This suit was borrowed from a drama crew recently. He had to return it by tomorrow, unharmed. So to save the money of laundry and ironing the suit, he took it off and hung it neatly on a hanger.

He came to his kitchen and opened the fridge. The fridge was broken and almost empty, the only exception was a cup of cheap noodles at a corner. That lone cup of noodles was sending pitiful stares at him from a corner. After trying to ignore those stares for so long, he at last took it out. He checked the manufacturing date. "Oh shoot! It'll expire tomorrow."

He had no choice but to eat the noodles. Otherwise it would've gone bad already by the time he had noticed it. But Bai Yuan wasn't concerned about its expiry date, instead he was having thoughts for his next meal. He said to himself with low spirit,

"I thought if I could skip tonight's dinner, I could eat these noodles tomorrow for lunch. But... sighs.... It will be more troublesome to have a stomachache. "

Slurp... slurp... slurp

He ate in big bites and soon finished the whole bowl of noodles. His loud slurping sounds were the evidence of his hunger. After finishing the meal he had a satisfied look on his face. Even his stomach made a satisfied noise. Burp. He got up from the floor and went to his room. At a corner he saw some scattered pieces of paper. They looked like pencil sketches. But he didn't go to that corner, he went to take a bath and came back wearing casual clothes. He unlocked his door and went outside. Where was he going?

It was around midnight. The streets were empty and soundless. Sometimes, barking of stray dogs and screeching noises of cat's nails could be heard. His studio was located in a quite remote area, really far from his host club. But the rent was cheap. So....

The neighborhood looked kinda shabby and totally lifeless at night.

Bai Yuan looked out for his steps and slowly walked to a more distant lane. The lane was quite narrow and dark. Weird, colorful graffiti was drawn on every wall. Most of them were cursing words. Except that there were nasty confessions and filthy sexual comments that could make any decent man uncomfortable.

Bai Yuan carefully walked through that dark lane and finally came to a building. The building looked old and dull. It had Thai glasses on the windows, one of which was broken. The wooden gate opened and he saw men lazily waiting inside. There were about six to seven men inside the-hall-like space. One had his head shaved, one had long hair, another had a baseball bat in his hand, just like them every one had something unique in their appearance. But one thing looked common. They had an earring pierced in their right earlobe which had the shape was of a scorpion.

Bai Yuan flinched a little seeing their hungry gaze on him. The man with the baseball bat then came near Bai Yuan and poked his chin with the tip of the bat, "Oh my my, Isn't it our Xiao Bai?"

The man with dazzling blue hair laughed, "Brother, it seems like someone is going to be punished for being late."

From the corner of the hall, the shaved haired man slowly came to Bai Yuan and put his hands around his shoulders. His long, sharp nose touched Bai Yuan's soft black hair as he sniffed, "Xiao Bai always smells tempting, only if Boss could let us..."

Bai Yuan's body stiffened. His lips trembled from being humiliated by those bunch of thugs. He was disgusted. Not on them, on his own choice. Only if he hadn't borrowed money from the person they're referring to Boss, he wouldn't have to be degraded to this point.

At that moment the bell rang and one of the thugs pushed him inside a room. The room was big and gorgeously decorated. No one would be able to tell that a shabby looking building could have such a nicely decorated room. The room had a big office table and a man in a red suit was working there.

The man was in his 30s. His blonde hair shined in the bright lights, adoring the grand room. He looked busy while signing some documents. But after hearing the footsteps he stopped and capped his pen. He looked up with smiling eyes, "Four days."

Bai Yuan dropped his gaze in understanding and brought out an envelope from his pocket. He then gently put it in front of the man on the table.

"I know. I've been working overtime. But-"

He was stopped by the other man.

"Four days since you cut off all way to contact you. I called you twice but you didn't pick up. A-Yuan, am I a joke to you?"

The man's speech was calm but Bai Yuan could sense the hidden displeasure in his words. He stepped back a bit in fright.

"I- I didn't mean to. My phone got stolen."

"Liar! Your phone was with you all the time! But you were busy chatting with that manager of yours. Is he more handsome than me? Am I not sufficient for you?" The last two sentences carried the man's anger and mockery. He almost shouted when he spoke those words. Completely breaking his earlier calm image.

Bai Yuan said nothing and just tightly clenched his fists. He felt like awful.

But what was more tragic for him was the next few sentences the man said,

"Since you're hell bent to disobey me and disrespect my presence in your life, pay for it. Today everyone present in this building will be rewarded with a handsome feast. And.That. Will. Be. You."

Bai Yuan's face paled after hearing his words. He froze where he was standing. Getting the signal from their boss the underlings had already started to enter the room. Their beastly like hungry gazes fell upon Bai Yuan. The shaved haired man was about to put his hands on him when suddenly he sprung and picked up a large vas from the floor. The way he threw it out for defense, it had to perfectly land on the shaved head and as a result that head started to bleed instantly.

Everyone glared at him.

"Just give up. you can do nothing."

Bai Yuan picked up a broken piece of the vase and propped it on his pale neck,

"Don't dare to move."

The thug with baseball bat laughed seeing him threaten them, "Kitty, we play with dead body too.Go ahead"

Will Bai Yuan survive the beastly attack?

《A.N: Please vote, share and comment to keep me motivated on writing something fun and good
👉👈 》

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