Chapter 53- I missed You

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A.N: Ughh! University life would be so harsh, had I ever imagined....You won't believe it, my head is spinning with "Oscillation this, Amplitude that" 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Here are the most awaited chapters

(Sorry for 😞 disappearing)


The shaky carriage finally stopped in front of a large wooden door. From inside, descended a youth who wore a pastel-coloured hanfu and sophisticated hair accessories in his hair. Bai Yuan stretched his arms and back,

“Ah! I'm still not used to carriage rides!”

Junkai came forward and stared at the gate, “Your Highness, why are we here?”

Bai Yuan smiled, “I felt a little homesick, you know. Let's head inside.”

Junkai looked at the big gate that opened slowly, however there was no one to welcome them. So, she asked, “Where is everyone? Do they not know of your arrival?”

As if Bai Yuan remembered something, he lazily replied, “I forgot to send a letter. Anyway, this is my home. Why do I need to inform them?”

Junkai just nodded her head.

Bai Yuan, Junkai, and two guards thus entered the Great General's Mansion (to clean up the environment inside).

As Bai Yuan walked further inside, fragments of memories came floating to him. He heard the clanking of metals and wooden swords from a distance and slowly went in that direction. Soon, he found Captain Hu Jintao supervising young candidates. Captain Hu at first didn't believe his eyes when he saw Bai Yuan crazily waving his hand at him. He came forward quickly and bowed his head, “Greetings to the noble consort. May I ask what brought you here today?”

Bai Yuan smilingly replied, “Captain, Homesickness brought me here. By the way, I don't see my father. Where is he?”

Captain Hu inhaled deeply, “He is... as usual, sitting under the oak tree.”

Bai Yuan could sense the grievance behind the statement.

“It's okay, I'll go to cheer him up.”

“I'll take my leave then.”


General Bai’s empty gaze was fixed on the motionless water of the pond. There was no sign of ripples or tiny waves. The memories of him with his beloved kept replaying in front of his eyes, again and again. He saw Kylan walking with his heavy belly and slowly sitting next to the oak tree. His azure eyes shone and reflected the bright water in them. General Bai had his eyes locked on him. He was enchanted. Nothing was more beautiful than watching Kylan smile while caressing the small baby clothes he made for their unborn child.

Suddenly, General Bai felt someone's presence beside him. He quickly turned his head. For a split second, he thought it was Kylan.

Bai Yuan spoke in his calm voice,
“I missed you, Father.”

It was his son. A warm droplet of tears rolled down his cheek, “I missed you, too.”

Both of them stayed silent for a long time and serenely enjoyed the natural view.

“I was hoping to ask, why don't you live with us, Father?”

“I'd love to live with you, but, this place, they have your mother embedded in them. Whenever I'm here, I feel like I'm with him.”

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