Chapter 44- Yuan is Gone

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A.N: Hiiii, I really  hope you all are hale and hearty 💜💜💜💜
I started learning guitar recently. It's harrdd!! Also started gym-ing! Ah, so many stuff to achieve! 

Thank you for all the kive and support!


With his sturdy hands, Song Xu picked Yuan up in his arms and for a moment looked behind to see Yiheng's grim face.

"Put him down! Your enemy is me, isn't it? Don't you dare harm him!!" Yiheng's eyes were turning red from anger and frustration. His body which is unstoppable on the battlefield wouldn't sway an inch because of the drug that went inside his open wounds.

Song Xu turned his face to carefully observe the unconscious Bai Yuan and softly spoke, "Harm? Him? I fell for him so hard that I couldn't stop myself from coming inside an imperial palace during such a big celebration."

Yiheng seemed like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. His blood vessels throbbed wildly under his skin. His bloodshot eyes were fixed on Bai Yuan's motionless innocent face.

No. This cannot be happening. No.

He tried to stand up with all his strength.

Yes. Almost.

Alas…before he could even stand properly another arrow came rushing at him. His whole body was thrown back on the floor instantly.

He could only hear Song Xu's sarcastic laughs before he saw complete darkness.


Song Xu was about to exit the guest cottage but someone stood before him with an unsheathed sword.

"Where are you taking him?"

Song Xu chuckled, "Oh my, the second prince was here also. Greetings your Highness."

Wang Xiyi's frantic eyes searched for his elder brother, "Where is my brother?"

Song Xu, "Um…I don't know."

Wang Xiyi gritted his teeth in frustration and made a loud whistling sound. Song Xu's shadow guards came running as well. The moment Xiyi sensed Xu Ying was near he whistled thrice. It was an emergency signal to ensure Yiheng's safety.

Song Xu only tilted his head towards Xiyi and within the blink of an eye, the shadow guards were running towards him with their naked sharp blades.

"Have a nice time, your highness." Song Xu effortlessly jumped on a rooftop nearby with Yuan in his arms and saw Junkai waiting with a carriage outside.

Song Xu stroked Yuan's face with his cold hand, "Let's go."


While Xu Ying dashed towards the guest cottage to save Yiheng, Xiyi gave all the shadow guards a tough fight. He brutally slashed through anybody who came into his sight. His only concern was chasing Song Xu and saving Yuan. Xu Ying ran as fast as he could and finally found Yiheng totally covered in blood and sharp arrows.


Minister Feng and Shen Haixiong also reached the spot at the same time. They didn't see Xiyi because they used a direct road from the banquet hall to reach the guest cottage.

"Wang Yiheng!" Minister Feng and Haixiong screamed adjoining.

Haixiong rushed to Yiheng's side and Minister Feng on the other hand grabbed Xu Ying's collar furiously.


Xu Ying's voice trembled, "Sir, I reached just now! Please let me take my master to the physician! He doesn't seem to be in a good condition!"

Yiheng was soon rescued and taken to the royal physicians.

The royal physicians had a grim expression stuck to their faces all the time. He was hit thrice at the vital points. A normal person would have died a long time ago. But Yiheng kept clenching his teeth subconsciously, battling for his life.
Xiyi came back running, covered in blood and cuts.

Xu Ying worriedly looked at him, "Your Highness, what about Consort Bai?"

Xiyi hid his sorry face in his palms, "I lost them……"

Xu Ying felt his world tremble under his feet. When the arrows were being pulled out, Yiheng came to his senses for a brief moment. His screams echoed through the courtyard. He cried out the person's name he couldn't protect once again.


Tears escaped Xiyi's eyes, "Brother, I'm so sorry!" He dropped to the ground in front of Yiheng's room.

Wang Mo-er and Emperor Shen also came hurriedly to the room where Yiheng was being treated. They heard Yiheng's painful screams and saw the physicians rush frantically. Applying what not to ease the crawling pain under the skin.

Xu Ying was about to rush outside to search for anything that could lead them to Yuan.

Anything. God, please. Anything!

He heard cries from afar. Soon a few maids came, with one carrying Yeye in her arms. He was crying so badly that it was getting hard to breathe properly. Xu Ying quickly came forward and took him from her.

"Young master, what's wrong? Who woke you up?"

Yeye gripped Xu Ying's robe tightly, "Where is Mommy? Yeye saw Mommy left me!"

Xu Ying's insides crunched in pain. But he tried his best to coax Yeye, "His Highness went to sleep early. Our young master doesn't want to disturb his sleep, right? "

Yeye would never do something to cause his mommy any problems.

"I want to meet Father….take me to him."

That was when the last arrow was pulled out and Yiheng's last scream was heard. After that, everything dropped to silence.

Yeye's small ears perked up in fear, "Father!"

Xu Ying quickly went far from the room, "No no young master. That was not master. Let's go back to your room."

Yeye was somehow convinced. Xu Ying carefully walked with Sobbing Yeye in his arms. He was about to cross the guest cottage when he sensed someone near him. That's when he saw a shadow guard on top of a cottage roof. That man had an arrow pointed in their direction.

With one swift move, Xu Ying unsheathed his sword and propped it defensively. The moment was really tense.

"No way I'm letting you harm this child!" Xu Ying gritted his teeth in anger.

"Ge?" Yeye winced in fear.

The other man didn't look like he was going to make any move but suddenly with a *thwack* sound, an arrow was shot.

"Young Master!"

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