Chapter 40- A Horse Race?

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A.N: Tadaaaaahhhh *Drum rolls* (Clap)


"Uncle Yuan, do you want to take a rest? There is a small pavilion nearby."

"That's really caring of you. Let's take a rest. Okay, Yeye?"

Yeye swayed his head in joy, "Okhay!"

Reaching the pavilion, both of the horses came to a stop. There was a beautiful lake beside the pavilion. Bai Yuan came down from the horse with Yeye and watched the breathtaking scenery.


Haiying was closely following Yeye who felt very curious to see so much water in one place, "Woah! A hugeeee bathTUB!"


Haiying gently held his small hand in his hand and spoke in a cautious voice, "Be careful when you're near such bathtubs, OK?"

Yeye asked with a clueless expression, "Why?"

Bai Yuan replied from behind as he walked closer to the bank, "If you accidentally fall in the big bathtub, you will never meet Mommy again."

Yeye took many steps back and went as far as possible from the bank, "No! I don't want that!"

Haiying nodded in agreement, "You're a smart boy, Yeye."

Yeye felt incredibly  happy after getting a compliment from his Cool brother and in return gave him his special toothy smile, "Hehe~"

On the other hand, Bai Yuan stood on the bank of the lake, motionlessly. He looked at his reflection in the water and complimented himself, "As handsome as ever!"

However, he suddenly felt something pull him from behind. Soon he met a hard chest and could feel hot breath beside his face. The moment he turned his face to look, he met Yiheng's blazing golden eyes. For some reason, they looked shocked and full of unknown fear.

"Your majesty? What's wrong?"

Yiheng was still breathing a little faster than usual, "D-do not go near water. I beg you…"

Bai Yuan was surprised and then he remembered something, "Are you perhaps afraid that I'll fall again?"

Yiheng helplessly hid his face behind Bai Yuan and tightly hugged him from behind.

"I- I am very much afraid."

Shen Haixiong coughed lightly.

Hearing the cough, Bai Yuan finally realized he was also there, watching the scene unfold. He quickly freed himself from Yiheng as if nothing ever happened and went to the kids.

He saw the nannies coming to them and soon the small children parted with them, leaving three awkward souls behind.

Bai Yuan was desperately trying to hide his embarrassed state and continuously stroking the horse on his back.

"Poor horse will go bald if you keep stroking her so passionately, consort Bai.


Shen Haixiong felt like he needed to do something.

"Hey, Yiheng. How about having a horse race like we used to do before?"

Bai Yuan's ears perked up, "A race?"

Wang Yiheng saw it as an opportunity to show Bai Yuan his charm and hurriedly replied, "Let's have one."

But, Bai Yuan also immediately raised his hand, "I'll participate, too."

Haixiong thought in his mind, "Sorry Yiheng. The rest is in your hands."

Yiheng helplessly sighed and nodded in his direction.

Bai Yuan was about to hop on the horse and suddenly remembered, "Your Highness, you didn't tell us the rules, racing area, and especially The Reward!"

Shen Haixiong awkwardly smiled and made up some casual rules instantly, "There are just some basic rules like the one to cross the finishing mark will be the winner. Players are prohibited from breaking things and injuring others. The players are free to select any route to reach the finishing line. Etc etc"

Bai Yuan listened carefully and asked in an excited tone, "What about the prize?"

Before Haixiong could reply, Yiheng hopped on his horse, "The last one to cross the line will have to grant a wish of the winner."

Bai Yuan could sense the confidence just from his tone. He too was burning with thrill to win the competition, "Ok. Let's do it."

And the race began……


The maids were freely, happily gossiping about the shining stars at the banquet among themselves as they were walking. Suddenly they heard something fast coming towards them and no sooner had they recognized the sound than they saw a large golden horse jump over them.

They screamed in unison, "Aahh~~~"

The horse gracefully landed on the path and they finally saw the face of the fearless rider.

Bai Yuan asked with a worried face, "Are you young ladies, okay?! I'm so sorry!"

The sweat drops on his forehead were shining like jewels under the soft sun. Before the maids could react, Bai Yuan was gone.

One maid nudged the one beside her, "What was that just now?"

That maid was equally surprised, "It is what it is."

"I can't believe my eyes."

"I think I just saw a nymph on a horse."

"Not a nymph, silly. A real celestial creature."

"Holy Horse!"

The oldest one among them had to smack hard on their heads to bring them back to their senses.

Bai Yuan was very confident at first about his horse riding. Indeed it was worth receiving praises but he totally forgot that that wasn't his Blue Sky Manor. It was at the Crown Palace that he had just arrived in the morning. As a result, he was struggling badly with the directions. The results were evident, either Wang Yiheng or Shen Haixiong would win.

"Ugh! I have to fulfill their wish now!? Why did I participate in the first place? Ughhh"

As he was ranting he felt a gush of air cross him. His eyes became wide when he saw Yiheng's horse running at a great speed in front of him.

Bai Yuan shouted in full spirit, "Go!" Sprinting with his horse closely behind Yiheng, Bai Yuan found an unknown relief, as if Yiheng was guiding him towards the finishing line. Soon Shen Haixiong joined them. The three horses were running madly. Shen Haixiong had the most amazed look, Bai Yuan seemed nervous and Yiheng had the most relaxed and focused expression.

The finishing line was gradually coming to their view. Now it was time to witness the winning moment. Everyone around the finishing line looked equally thrilled and curious to see who won.

The news of them racing with each other spread all over the Crown Palace like wildfire. As a result, there was a huge crowd.

The horses were running at their best speed and soon they crossed the line and tore apart the rope over the line. When the horses stopped, there was a huge cloud of dust engulfing them inside.

Finally, the moment of truth. A sturdy hand raised in the air and showed the rope. When the fog cleared, everyone gaped at the reveal.

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