Chapter 11- Coincidentally ended up meeting a 'Cousin' on the way

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As he walked more into the mansion he heard loud noises, metal clinking, loud thumping noises and so he became curious. After walking a little more to the west they finally discovered the source of all those noises. 

A guard from behind asked Bai Yuan, "Your Highness, why did you stop before the arena?" 

"What are they doing?" Bai Yuan replied with another question. 

"Oh, pardon, they are sparring." 


The guard moved nervously behind him and spoke in a low voice, "Forgive me, Your Highness, this servant thinks we shouldn't stay here anymore." 

That piqued Bai Yuan's interest more, "But why?" 

That guard nervously pointed at a figure coming towards them, "Your cousin, captain Zhou Keyu is coming this way." 

"Uh! I can see him coming. So?" 

"He is surely going to mess with us." 

"That's it?" 


"Let's see, to which extent." There was a smirk hidden on his face. 

Zhou Keyu came to them with a broad smile, a smile that bore mockery and contempt. He was a head taller than Bai Yuan. There wasn't anything exceptional in him except a good build and nice golden brown hair with hawk-like brown eyes. 

"Wow, look who's here! Our beloved cousin, Bai Yuan, 'The Chosen One'." 

The guard from earlier gritted his teeth and took position to prevent any threats. His hand was tightly clutched on his sword. 

Sensing this, Bai Yuan gave him a small nod to calm him down. He intended to hear what Zhou Keyu had to say. 

Zhou Keyu continued, "Is it fun in the palace? Is it worth climbing on the bed of the Emperor who doesn't even recognise your existence, hm?" 


He continued to nonsense as he brought his mouth closer to Bai Yuan's ear, "Was it fun snatching away my sister's love and getting fucked by him?" 


Bai Yuan felt his blood rush to his head. Before Zhou Keyu could say something else his body moved on his own and Zhou Keyu found himself hit the pillar of the hall. 

Zhou Keyu's eyes opened in surprise. He was ready to fight back but he couldn't move his body after what happened next. 

A sharp blade pierced into the ground where he had fallen, right between his legs, only a few inches away from his family sword. 

Droplets of sweat quickly gathered on his forehead and neck. Zhou Keyu then heard a voice so close yet distant to him, like being hypnotized, "Another word to tarnish the image of the great Emperor and his Empress and I, the first wife of the Emperor is going to cut that unproductive thing of yours and feed it to my hungry pigs." 

Zhou Keyu stared blankly at the dazzling Bai Yuan as if he couldn't believe his ears. He replied between gnashing teeth," Bai Yuan, you son of-"

" Shut. Up." The words bore heaviness as the mountain, the more panicking scene was that the sword Bai Yuan had in his hand, ripping off a slight amount of Zhou Keyu's pants. 

I hope this will be enough for today. This @sshole will keep his nasty mouth shut for a while. 

Bai Yuan finally got to meet his great father, Great General, the Queen Dowager's right hand, Bai Yushang. And they had a 'good' time

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