Chapter 64

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''Yah! It feels like yesterday, we were a bunch of high school students, having our own picnic here and now look at us! So busy with our own lives.''- said Namjoon while eating.

''Yeah, that seems like yesterday.''- said Yoongi.

''Back then we were single and now we are dating.''- said Jimin looking at Ara.

''I'm looking forwards to the day we will come here with the tiny versions of us.''- said Namjoon.

''Woah woah! Calm down! Let me find a bride first!''- said Jin laughing.

All the boys started laughing except Teahyung.

His eyes were stuck on Soo-ah who was busy admiring Jungkook cutting the stake for her.

He lowered his gaze.

''Hey. Why aren't you eating?''- asked Jin looking at Taehyung.

''Uh...nothing. I'm eating.''- said Taehyung stuttering a bit.

Soo-ah looked at Jin's plate and took a shrimp putting it inside her mouth.

''Yah! Soo-ah is stealing your food, Jin.''- said Hoseok.

''She does that a lot.''- said Jin not bothering.

''Oh, Jungkook said that only Jin was in touch with Soo-ah after high school.''- said Namjoon.

''Yeah, Soo-ah and Jin's appas are business partners.''- said Jungkook.

''Jungkook, how did Soo-ah become your secretary?''- asked Taehyung.

Soo-ah, Jungkook, and Jin looked in his direction altogether.

'' interviewing?''- said Soo-ah.

''Did you know that it was his company?''- asked Taehyung folding his arms.

''No, she didn't know that.''- said Jin.

''Yeah, I was pretty surprised to see him there.''- said Soo-ah looking at Jungkook.

''So was I!''- said Jungkook smiling at her.

''What's going on between these four?''- thought Yoongi.

''Okay, let's get done with our dinner first. I have something to show you all''- said Hoseok.

They finished the dinner.


After dinner, they gathered in the projector room.

''Where are we here, Hoseok?''- asked Jin being curious.

''Just wait and watch.''- said Hosoek starting the clip on the screen.

He started a very nostalgic video of them that he made especially for this occasion.

''Woah!''- they said altogether!

''Aigoooo! Hoseok!''- said Jungkook seeing their younger selves on the screen.

''You still have these pictures and clips!''- said Taehyung being surprised.

''Yeah, I watch them very often!''- said Hoseok smiling at them.

''Awwww! Look at tiny Jimin!''- said Ara clapping her hands.

They started laughing!

There were some funny videos of them as well.

They were dying at that part!

Soo-ah looked at Jungkook being so giggly and happy!

''How precious he looks!''- thought Soo-ah resting her cheek over her palm.

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