~ Chapter 1: Street Rat & Street Mouse ~

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(A/N: The image you see on top is the sister of Aladdin. This is how you look like. The art nor the OC is not mine as it belongs to GuardianoftheSnow from Deviantart.)

The black-haired girl with (F/C) eyes was doing her work as she helps the women with the laundries, hanging them up to dry. She felt a tap on her pant leg and looked down to see a little girl.

"Is my Viper fixed?"

Y/N smiled and pulled out a snake plush from her pocket.

"Yep. All good. I made sure it's well washed."

The little girl's eyes sparkled with glee as Y/N hands it to her. She grabs it and hugs it.

"Thank you, Ms. Y/N! How can I repay you?"

"There's no need. I'm just glad I fixed your little reptile friend. Go on. You wouldn't want your parents to worry."

"Okay! Bye!"

The little girl waved her goodbye before running off to her parents. One of the women looks at Y/N with a smile.

"You're really good with kids. Maybe someday you'll have your own. Maybe find love~"

Y/N chuckled at that, shaking her head and getting back to work.

"I wish. Who would even love someone who's a nobody like me?"

"You'll never know."

This left her in thought when she suddenly heard a shout.

"Stop thief!"

Y/N looked up to see her brother Aladdin on the roof with the guards on his trail.

"Oh, jeez. What did he do this time?" she said with a knowing smile.

Y/N watches as Aladdin jumps off, landing on two ropes strung between buildings, with drying clothes on them. He skies down them, collecting bits and pieces of clothing on him as he goes. Finally, he's nearing the end of the rope, at a window, when a woman reaches out and slams the shutters closed. Aladdin slams into the shutters and falls to the street, his fall being broken by numerous awnings and the pile of clothes around him. He pulls off the top layer of clothes and is about to enjoy his bread when...

"There he is!" Guard 1 shouted from above.

"You won't get away so easy!" Guard 2 said.

"You think that was easy?"

He looks at three women, laughing at him. His eyes landed on Y/N, who snickers and shakes her head.

"You two, over that way, and you, with me. We'll find him." Guard 1 said.

Aladdin pulls a sheet over him and wraps himself as a disguise. He rushes over to the women.

"Morning, ladies. Morning, sis."

"Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we Aladdin?" Woman 1 said with a smile.

"He's always into trouble." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I'm surprised you didn't bring your sister into this mess." Woman 2 said.

"I made sure of it." Y/N smirked.

"Trouble? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught--"

A hand grabs Aladdin's shoulder and yanks him back. It's the first guard, Razoul. The captain of the royal guard. Aladdin's disguise falls off.


"I'm in trouble." Aladdin gulped.

"Uh-oh..." Y/N mumbled.

Aladdin (1992) Movie x Sister! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now