Chapter 18

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Paige POV:

I wake up to someone shaking me. "Get up Paige, we have to get ready for the breakfast" Nika says. I slowly roll over on my back and rub my eyes. It's so bright in this hotel room.

I reach over to the end table to grab my phone and realize Peyton never hung up with me. She fell asleep on facetime too. She looks so cute sleeping, I wish I could be there with her holding her.

I eventually get out of bed a few minutes later when Nika is out of the bathroom and end the facetime call that way I don't accidentally wake Peyton up. I quickly text her "good morning ❤️ you didn't have to stay on facetime with me all night, but I'm glad you did because I got to see your beautiful face when I woke up.  I'm headed to the breakfast soon so I'll text you when we get back to the room before shoot around"

"I swear sometimes I feel like I'm coaching 5 year olds" Geno says as Nika is throwing grapes at me to catch in my mouth.

"Yea, but you love us" I say laughing as Geno just shakes his head left to right over and over again.

"Ok, ok, focus Paige" Nika says as she starts throwing the grapes again.

"1, 2, 3" Nika counts as I catch them in my mouth as I see Geno walking away still shaking his head.

We make it back to our room and it's later than I thought it would be, it's 11 and shoot around is at 12. So I have to change fast into sweats and head back to the bus to drive to Tennessees basketball arena.

Peyton texted me her and Kate and Tori are going ice skating which sounds fun. I quickly text her back "I didn't know you knew how to ice skate"

"Oh, I dont 😂" she responds

This girl, let me tell you.

"Well please be careful, I'm on my way to shoot around right now I should be able to call you for a little after"

Peyton POV:

I'm currently ice skating with Kate and Tori but the thing is I don't know how to ice skate so I'm just holding onto the boards as I try not to fall over.

"Can you let go of the boards and come in the middle" Tori says

"Are you crazy, the second I let go of these boards I'm gonna fall, I don't know why I agreed to this"

"You agreed to this because you're trying to kill time until you can talk to Paige again and watch her play, and this is better than just staying in your dorm watching All American. "

"Oh shut up"

We've finished ice skating, I may have fallen a few times but I'm ok. I'm watching Paige's game in Tori and Kate's room with them since it's bigger. The game starts in an hour and a half so we are just sitting around waiting when I see Paige is facetiming me.

"Hey what's up" I ask

"Nothing much, I have about 30 minutes before I have to go and get ready"

"Ok, well how was shoot around and film"

"They were good, in shoot around we worked on a few plays and film we learned a couple more things we could do to prevent them from getting the rebounds"

"Well you don't need to worry because you are gonna do great"  saw smiling

"I hope so" I can sense that she's nervous

"Why are you so nervous"

"I don't know, it's just this is a rivalry game for our program and I don't wanna mess it up"

"You won't mess it up, you are probably the best basketball player I have seen play, and you do so much more than scoring, you pass, you make blocks, you get steals, and you rebound. So if you do have an off night shooting you can still help you're team in other ways"

"Yea that's true, how was ice skating" I hear Kate and Tori laughing at that from where they are sitting, I kind of forgot they were here.

"I mean it was good if you think holding onto the boards and falling a lot is good" I say laughing

"That's why you don't go ice skating if you don't know how to" she says laughing too

"Oh please, I bet you don't know how to ice skate"

"Did you forget I'm from Minnesota, that's all we do there"

"Oh yea I forgot about that. Well still"

"Whatever" she says laughing "I gotta go but I'll call you after the game"

"Alright, good luck, and don't worry too much just go have fun"

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