Chapter 72

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Paige POV:

I quickly change out of my uniform and into the joggers and the matching hoodie Peyton got for me for Christmas before making my way out of the locker room and to Peyton who's waiting for me by the exit.

"You ready?" I ask walking to her and extending my hand for her to hold

"I'm always ready for ice cream" she says smiling holding my hand as we start walking to the Uconn Diary Bar

"I like your hoodie, it looks familiar" peyton says smirking as we are walking

"Oh really? My amazing girlfriend got it for me for Christmas. Definitely my favorite hoodie that I own" I respond teasingly looking at her smiling.

We make it the UConn Dairy Bar for ice cream and I wasn't expecting it to be so busy, but I guess it makes sense people go for ice cream after a basketball game.

Since it's been busy, waiting in line has mostly consisted of Peyton and I taking photos with a bunch of fans and signing a bunch of things, until we finally make it to the front of the line and order.

The employees are really nice and don't seem to be treating us any differently based on who we are which I'm grateful for so I make sure I leave them a good tip.

Peyton gets Vanilla Chocolate Chip ice cream with whipped cream and Hershey's syrup in a cup and I got vanilla and chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles in a cup as well so it doesn't melt all over the place.

Peyton and I make our way outside to start walking to Mirror Lake but Peyton stops me once we step outside the Dairy Bar.

"what?" I look at Peyton confused as she stands in front of me

"hold this" she says extending her hand that's holding her cup of ice cream, so I listen to her and grab it with the hand that was holding hers. She then walks behind me.

"what are you doing?" I ask still confused

"Just relax" she says putting her hand on my shoulder before softly grabbing my hair and putting it under my hoodie as she lifts the hood up over my head before standing in front of me again and grabbing her ice cream out of my hand.

It takes me a few seconds to realize why she did that but then I get it. It's because she knows I love spending time with my fans and signing stuff for them, but when we hang out in public I don't want to be distracted by them all coming up to me asking for a photo. I want to spend time with her. And create memories with her. And live in the moment.

I then make eye contact with Peyton and hand her my ice cream. Which she takes without questioning because I think she knows what I'm about to do too.

I step behind her, softly grab her hair and put in her hoodie as I grab her hood and put it on her head. Making it so both of us are a little harder to see and point out.

I then step in front of her again and grab my ice cream out of her hand while making eye contact with her.

"You know you catch peoples eyes because of your blonde hair right?" Peyton asks me

"What? What do you mean" I say looking at her confused

"Your blonde hair makes you stick out like a sore thumb. People see a tall person with blonde hair and immediately know it's you" she says laughing a little

"I mean what can I say, I have that affect on people" I say teasingly smirking at her

"Let's go crazy, before your ice cream melts" she says grabbing my hand again and trying to walk but I don't move

"I want a kiss first" I say smiling looking at her eyes which makes her break into a smile, walk towards me, and give me a sweet passionate kiss.

We make it to mirror lake, we both finished our ice cream on the walk over here so we are just laying in the shade under a tree, looking at the sky and clouds on this randomly nice February day.

"You ever wonder what your life would be like if you weren't famous?" I ask randomly as I continue to look at the clouds

"What do you mean?" Peyton asks moving closer to me and laying her head on my shoulder as a I wrap my arm around her

"Like what it would feel like to walk somewhere without getting stopped for a photo, or going into a building without a bunch of people looking at you, even just walking around without wearing a hood so people don't stop you?" I explain

"Yea sometimes. It's weird how fast I went from being a normal high school kid who played softball to now a bunch of people knowing my name" she says

"Yea it's like one night I went to bed with only my high school knowing my name and then I woke up and the whole world knew everything about me" I say as we lay in silence continuing to look at the clouds.

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