Chapter 82

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Paige POV:

I wake up and notice someone is next to me and realize it's Peyton.

"Look who's awake" Peyton says

"What time is it?" I ask tiredly

"9 AM" she responds which makes me look around the room and notice Nika isn't here

"Where's Nika?" I ask confused

"I told her and Evina to go watch SpongeBob in Evina's room because they were being loud last night and I didn't want them to wake you and I'm guessing she stayed the night"

"Well since we have a day off today that means she's probably gonna sleep in and she normally sleeps until 12 on our days off" I say picking my head up and looking at Peyton with a smirk

"She also left her room key in here when she was in a rush to leave last night. Meaning she can't get in" Peyton says with a smirk back understanding where I'm going with this.

I waste no time and crash our lips together in a heated kiss as I straddle over Peyton. She must want this as much as I do because she's kissing back with as much passion and desire and I am.

I pull back for a second to catch my breath and in that time Peyton flips us over and starts kissing my neck.

"Don't leave marks on my neck. Anywhere else is fine" I say trying to catch my breath

"Can I take this off?" Peyton questions grabbing my shirt

"You can do whatever you want" I say out of breath

In a second she takes my shirt off and throws it on the floor somewhere before leaning back down and kissing me.

"you're so beautiful" she says pulling away

"Coming from you" I say reattaching our lips

And the next thing I know she's sucking on my chest and stomach

"That was fun" I say as Peyton and I are laying on the bed after the events that just unfolded

"You can say that again"

After a few minutes of enjoying each other's company a little more by stealing kisses from each other my phone starts ringing.

"It's Nika" I say seeing the caller ID

"Put her on speaker" Peyton says

"Hello?" I say once I answer

"Hey, me, E, Christyn, and Aaliyah are going to go shopping you and Peyton wanna come?" Nika asks

I turn to look at Peyton who nods her yes and look back at the phone

"Yea we'll go, just give us like 10 minutes to change"

"How are you guys not changed yet. It's like 11"

I look to Peyton who's trying hard not to laugh as a I try to think of something to say

"Because we just woke up" I say trying to sound convincing

"Since when do you sleep until 11?"

"Since I've been exhausted. K bye" I say quickly hanging up

"She definitely knows" Peyton says chuckling

"Who Nika? No she doesn't. She'll be oblivious until she sees evidence" I say standing up

"Ok then just don't take your shirt off or lift it up at all, or she will see all the evidence she needs" Peyton says laughing

"You're the one that covered my whole body in hickey's"

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