3: Secret

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"Secrets aren't secrets. They're just hidden treasures, waiting to be exploited."

-Stephen White

There was chill in the air and it was yet too early to rise. Not even the birds chirped against the windows. So he pulled the blanket around his legs and turned to his side. Only to find that he could not. There was something heavy on the other end of the material.

Damian opened his eyes and realized he was in his father's chambers at Hinley and there was someone in bed with him. The other side of it showed a lump but he could not tell who or what it may be. Panic rose in his chest but was soon replaced by a sudden pain on the back of his head.


The noise awakened the figure beside him. Lydia stirred and threw the blankets off. Immediately her hands went around Damian who was clutching the bandages on his head.

"Does it hurt? Oh god, is it too painful?" She asked.

He opened his eyes at the sound of her voice. "W-who...who are you?"

"I...you do not recall who I am?"

"No. And why are you in bed with me? And why does my head hurt so much?" His eyes closed again and forced himself to sit. "Goodness, save the questions for later and call me a doctor."

Lydia nodded and jumped out of bed. She rang for the servants and hastily put on her robe. Before pulling the doors open, she threw him a glance. Damian now sat up and was looking pale. She dashed out of the room and called for help.

"One of the stitches gave out and bled a little. But I mended it all up." Cavenaugh said. "I suggest you stay in bed in the meantime and move as little as possible."

Damian gulped down and tried to remember the doctors' words. "Thank you, doctor."

Cavenaugh gathered his things and patted his shoulder, "Welcome back, your grace."

Damian watched the doctor leave and thought on what he said. Welcome back? Where on earth had he been? Should he have told the doctor that he could not remember what happened?

He shook his head. No. Whatever this is, he will keep it to himself and figure it out.

The pain reminded him that he was injured but he could not recall how. He leaned over and reached for the laudanum. Just as he was taking a gulp, he heard the door gently open and closed.

"Damian? How are you feeling?" Asked a feminine voice.

He put the bottle down and looked at her. He had not remembered her face when he woke up and she had to leave immediately. Now, with the drapes parted and the sunlight bathing his room, he saw her clearly.

Bright red hair, like fire, reminded him of his penchant for phoenixes. He could tell she had straight hair and poured time to curl them around her head. Next, he looked at eyes. Soft gray pools stared back at him. It was a pretty common eye color within his peers that he had grown immune to such beauty. This one, however, drew his curiosity to look further. She had a pointed nose, powdered with freckles, and he thought it became her. Lastly, he looked at her mouth. She had good looking lips, pink and plump. They'd probably feel nice to kiss.

She cleared her throat and he was forced to meet her gaze again. With a slight blush on her cheeks, she asked, "Should I leave you alone?"

Damian cocked his head to one side. Pretty. "Perhaps later. I wish to speak with you first." She blushed some more. Hmmm. A real beauty. "Have a seat."

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