mike with verosika and her crew

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It was the middle of the afternoon and loona was about to go on a date with Collin her new boyfriend and asked vortex to watch Mike.

Hey tex is it cool if you could watch mike for me. Asked loona.

Sure loona I can watch Mike I'm not to busy today with my job and it'll be fun with him around. Said vortex.

Okay see you later. Said loona.

See ya. Said vortex.


Vortex and mike were playing connect 4 and then Mike beat vortex. Yay I won said Mike.

Then vortex got a call from his boss verosika mayday.

Hey boss what's up. asked

Hey tex I need you over by the office my other building is getting fumigated for hell mice. Said verosika.

Okay well just so you know I'm watching loona's kid today so if I come over he's gonna be with me. Said tex.

Ooh in that case get here straight away now. Said verosika.

Tex and mike arrived at verosikas office (the one from ep3) and mike stayed close to vortex because now that he's older he knows more about what verosika mayday career is.

Hi Mike how are you. Said verosika.

Hello Ms mayday. Said Mike.

As Mike walked in he sat on the couch right next to coco and apple. As he was drawing he asked them if they liked him to draw them as Disney princesses.

Sure we love that. Said coco.

Than he drew them and showed coco as Tiana and apple as snow white.

Omg that is beautiful. Said apple.

Hey babe you look kinda sexy in that outfit. Said coco.

And you deserve something special little fella. Said apple as she picked him up for a hug and a kiss.

Mike than started blushing then verosika gave him a fuzzy jacket and he decided to draw each of them as different characters, vortex as war machine, Kat as batman, Josh as termanator, ace as quick silver, milky as rocket, Kiki as Alice angel, and verosika mayday as ladybug.

Wow man we look sick. Said the Incubus.

And we look sexy. said the succubus.

Mike than got a little tired and napped on the couch.

Verosika  covered him in a blanket so he could sleep better. But than one of her friends asked her something.

Hey verosika why are you so nice the kid anyway. Asked ace.

Let's see because he's a cutie. said verosika.

Than apple and coco made sure the kid didn't get bugged by anyone so he could sleep more.


Loona picked mike up from vortex and took him home. She than asked if verosika tried anything.

No ms mayday and her crew were really nice to me and they aren't as bad as grandpa makes them out to be. Said Mike.

Okay mike just Making sure. Said loona.

And the next day verosika received a package from mike, what's this asked verosika. As she opened it it was a rose gold outfit for her next concert.

Wow that kid just keeps surprising me and making me love him more. Said verosika.

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