Chapter 35: Big secrets revealed

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Zoe's POV

There were whispers across the hall as everyone digested the news.

I was still in shock. It couldn't be the same Alex that she was talking about. There had to be some kind of mistake.

Cindy was still on the stage as she flashed the big rock on her finger. The next moment people were spanning pictures and the stage lights were shinning on Alex who was still in the crowd. That's when I knew this wasn't a mistake.

An hour ago I hadn't noticed that ring on her finger, or maybe it was because I wasn't looking.

Cindy walked off the stage. I noticed how Alex followed her into a room. Probably to celebrate the news.

I couldn't understand why he was doing this, three weeks ago she wasn't even a part of our lives and now she was about to become his wife. What reason would he have for doing this?

And then it hit me. I remembered his godfather's visit, Alex seemed really tense and the time about how this whole scandal was destroying his image. What if they decided that his marriage to Cindy was going to resolve his damaged image. She was perfect, the social butterfly and would make the perfect wife. She looked like she had money of her own and would kill down any rumors of her marrying for money. I'd just be in the background, the mistake. He would finally be settled, which is what his investors wanted.

I noticed how people were starting to stare, anyone could tell I was upset.

If they wanted to get married, the least they could have done was warn me.

I needed to get out of here, I needed to breathe. I was sick of everyone taking me for a fool.

I was stopped in my tracks as I felt a tight grip on my arm.

"Wait," I heard Alex say.

Where did he even come from?

I turned around to face him. It was bad enough everyone around here thought so poorly of me, the last thing I needed was to create a scene.

"I had no idea about this whole wedding," he said.

So his plan was to act bump. It just made me even angrier.

"Why can't you just be man enough for once and tell me the truth. I know you are marrying her just so that you can finally get the image that you wanted for your company. You should be careful not to be seen with me because I could just ruin everything." I snapped.

He let go of my arm.

"Is this how poorly you think of me?" He asked. He looked like he had been hurt by my words, but I didn't care. He might as well could have been pretending. "All of that, none of that is real. Cindy and I are not getting married." He said.

I had to remind myself that I was in public not to yell at him. "Then why don't you go and tell everyone the truth?" I said.

"I can't do that, not right now. Cindy is..."

"Then you are just the same liar that you have always been," I interrupted.

"No matter what I say, you are never going to believe me." He said.

And this time he was the one to leave.

I really tried to trust him but every time he gave me a reason not to. I wasn't about to allow him to hurt me.

I stormed out of the hall.

It was when I was outside in the chilly weather that I realized I didn't have a ride to take me home. I couldn't find Alexander's driver. Even if I could, I didn't want anything else to do with him.

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