Chapter 50: A misplacement

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Babies don't just go missing and then magically reappear. How could this have happened? That was the answer we all wanted to know.

I tried to think of a reasonable explanation for how this could have happened, but I couldn't. Either the baby was raised from the dead or the nurse lied to us. Either way, none of it made sense to us.

Rafael didn't explain much to us on the call, just that we needed to be there immediately. We drove to the hospital at lightning speed, throughout the car ride, I was shaking. I couldn't believe any of this.

Alex and I anxiously waited in the doctor's office for him to clear up the situation.

Alex was pacing the room while I anxiously tapped my foot.

I couldn't take the suspense.

When the doctor walked in, we immediately turned our attention to him.

He looked more anxious than we were, sweat streamed down his brows as he readjusted his glasses.

He walked in quietly and sat at his desk.

"We are so sorry for the pain and confusion we caused you." He started.

We waited anxiously for his explanation.

"There happened to be a mistake, a misplacement. They confused your baby for someone else's, there happened to be another child who was also sent to the NICU. He was the one that died. It was only when Rafael, your half-brother I believe, came around asking questions that we managed to pick up on the mistake. We still can't explain how this could have happened." He rumbled.

I froze as I listened to his explanation, 'my baby is alive' My mind registered. If this whole incident hadn't been so traumatizing, it would almost be funny. The only reason he even existed was because of a misplacement, now this.

Alex snapped me out of my thoughts as he slammed his fist into the table.

"For the last three days we thought our baby was dead and this is the best explanation you can give us?" Alex spoke.

"We are so sorry sir. We keep bands on the children to identify them, the band must have slipped off and for some reason, we weren't able to pick it up a lot sooner. We are a little short-stuffed here and the hospital doesn't have a lot of resources that it needs to function. These mistakes don't usually happen." He tried to assure us.

"So, if you hadn't picked this up someone else would have taken our child?" Alex spoke.

"No sir, he has been in the NICU since. He is doing fine now but we haven't allowed any visits. It's possible that we could have picked this up before we even discharged him." The doctor explained.

My poor baby was all alone for the last three days.

"Can we meet him?" I asked instead.

"Sure ma'am," He spoke trying to master a smile.

Just then, the doorknob turned.

Rafael walked in, holding a baby in his arms.

My baby.

Rafael smiled walking towards us. "Here you go," he spoke, holding his hands out to hand me the baby.

I froze for a second not knowing how to respond. I waited nine months for this moment, in the last three days this moment seemed impossible, but it had arrived.

Without any more hesitation, I held out my hands, welcoming my baby into my arms.

His matching dark grey eyes to Alexander's stared back at me. He rested peacefully in my arms as he slowly closed his tired eyes. I stared at him mesmerizing every single one of his features. He looked more like Alexander than me.

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