Chapter 5: Sperm selection

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Zoe's POV

I continued typing on the Google search engine then pressed enter.

I was doing some research on clinics that sold sperm samples instead of asking some random guy for his, I can imagine how that conversation would go.

"Can I go home now?" Reina whined.

Raina was sitting on my bed while I sat at the computer on my bedroom table.

She was helping me with the research.

I had already told quite a lot of people that I was going to do this, so people would be expecting me to be pregnant soon. I can't back out now.

"No," I said. "I still need your help,"

"Why don't you just adopt child like a normal person?" She said.

"Because adoption takes time, sometimes even years. It's not always easy to adopt a child," I answered.

"Do you really want to go through with this? This could cost you a lot of money, sperm isn't cheap," she said.

'Unless it's from some drunk guy.' I thought.

"I have money saved up, I was planning on opening my new cafe so I'll have to put that on hold plus, I go on a holiday every year, I can use that money I have saved up." I said.

I had already thought this through, money wasn't going to stop me from having a baby.

Reina turned to look away.

I could tell she was dozing off to sleep while researching on her laptop.

I shook my head at her returning to my research.

I had called a lot of clinics but most of them seemed sketchy. The other clinics didn't offer that many options plus, for the options of sperm they had, they didn't have much information about the donors.

I'd like to have an idea of how my baby would look or if the father had any genetic illnesses I should know about.

My phone vibrated on my table next to my keyboard.

My brother's name popped up on my screen. I was wondering when he would call me, usually it was to babysit.

Noah and I are twins, but we are two completely different people.

I picked my phone up pressing answer.

"Hi," I answered in a why the f are you calling me tone.

"Hi sis, mom called me to tell me you stopped by yesterday." He said in a sardonic tone.

"What exactly did she tell you?" I asked resting my back on my chair.

I knew this was going to be a long conversation. Noah was clearly trying to rub salt into my wounds.

"That you wanted to get a sperm donor. Except she said it anger. I had to listen to her for 13 minutes before I finally figured out what she was saying. Thanks to you, you are now officially the biggest disappointment in the family." He mocked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you just get some random guy to knock you up?" He said.

"Because I'm not a walking nightstand like you," l stated.

He let out a cachinnation.

Immediately, I could hear baby Sofia crying in the background.
Her cry amplified as her voice got louder through the phone.

"I think I woke her up," Noah whispered into the phone.

I could hear his foot steps as he walked to her.

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