Chapter 44: Scandalous

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*Alexander's version of the previous chapter*

Alexander's POV

This trip has certainly evoked some emotions in me that I didn't think I had. I still don't know what to call it.

She brings about this strange feeling in me, around her I feel so weak and powerless as if she has me in her control, yet she also makes me feel strong.

But while I was away, plenty of things happened.

I was the protagonist of the latest scandal. The rumors to Cindy and I 'split' spread like wildfire, not to mention the media as pictures of Zoe and me together so you can imagine the narrative they were going with.

It was like history repeating itself all over again, I'm sure the media will come after Zoe. Cindy can handle herself, she knew the price you had to pay to be a part of this life.

To top it off, I find out from my informants that the board of directors have been plotting against me and the face of this rebellion is non-other than Oscar Miller. The man I was about to meet.

He is a true snake, riding on his wife's money. Today was the day I dealt with him.

Besides all the crazy things happening around me, I found myself at peace, with this calmness I couldn't explain. I'll call it the Zoe effect. Right there, I didn't even need to be a scientist to discover something new.

On the dote at 11 a.m., Oscar walked into my office. Everyone knew I hated it when my time was wasted.

He strutted, keeping his head high as he readjusted his tie.

I called out for my assistant.

"Can you please get us two cups of coffee please?" I asked.

"Right away sir, she nodded with a smile.

"You not trying to smooth me over are you?" He asked with a smirk.

"Not at all," I answered. I crossed my leg over the other.

I studied him as he sat in front of me arrogantly.

I liked to keep everyone in check, once in a while they needed to be reminded of their place. I needed to show everyone that I was in control, otherwise, people would start taking some chances.

"You've been causing quite the racket amongst the employees," I began.

"You mean by telling the truth. Everybody knows that you have been very unstable. There have been a lot of scandals regarding you and your attention to the company has been constantly divided, this causes us to question your commitment to the company," He answered proudly.

If there was anyone committed to this company it was me, I worked twenty-four-seven to make this company the success that it is today.

"So because of that, you thought you could take my company from behind my back?"

"I'm not stupid, I know I don't have the power to right now but one way or another I'll make sure that I do. It would be the end of your family's legacy. Maybe if I feel like it, I'll even change the name of the company." He let out a laugh. "It's not personal, we only have the company's best interest at heart. " He added.

I could believe the nerves of this man. This is what happens when you tell your children that they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. They become delusional and get too creative.

'Calm down Alex,' I said to myself. I was trying to be a new person, be a little kinder. 'Just think of Zoe,' I reminded myself.

"It's not your fault, no one should have allowed a kid like you to be the CEO. You are ruining your reputation along with that of the company. I think everyone would agree that it's time you get rid of your little distraction." He added.

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