Chapter 25: A different side of Alexander

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Zoe's POV

"Can I stay here for tonight?" I asked a stunned Alexander.

It took him a while to respond. "Sure," he finally spoke, opening the door wider.

I let out a small smile as I entered the apartment. I was astonished by The view. It had a modern glimpse to it, with matching white furniture.

The hallway was decorated with crystal chandeliers and large pots of tropical flowers on both sides of the door.

When I first met Alex I imagined that everything in his house would be all dark and depressing like him but it was quite the contrary. The house brought some sense of peace with everything tidy, and the floor squeaky clean. I could see my reflection on the marble floor.

My shoes clicked against the tiles as I walked in.

"When the security informed me that you were here I thought that it was a joke, let alone that you'd have your bag here with you." He said letting out a fake laugh.

"Well, I'm here," I answered in a sarcastic tone.

He reached for his head and then started frantically running his hands through his hair.

I could tell that this was as awkward for him as it was for me. After all, he had just recently ignored my calls.

"Mara!" Alexander yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Soon a middle-aged woman walked in. She had her hair tied into a neat bum and wore a white skirt and a black blouse. She wore black two-inch heels with her outfit.

"Yes sir?" she said looking at me with a questioning look.

"Can you please take her bag to the guest room?" Alexander said.

Mara nodded and took my suitcase from my hand.

My eyes continued roaming the place.

"You look tired," Alexander commented.

"You have no idea of the night I just had," I answered.

For a moment we stood there in an awkward silence, the tension from our argument was still between us.

"Well... I was about to have dinner, you should eat something." He said.

I nodded then followed his lead down the hall. We took a turn after passing a few doors, we entered a large room.

There was a large wooden dining table in the centre. The room had glass walls,  giving a view of the ocean. I could hear the sound of waves crashing into each other.

The table was already set, with a couple of dishes in the centre. It was as if he had anticipated that I would arrive, it was certainly too much food for one person. I could just imagine spending the rest of my life here, Alex was just the downside of being here.

Alex walked ahead of me to the table. He stopped behind a chair and then pulled it out.
With a nod, he gestured for me to sit.

If only he was always this sweet.

I took him up on his offer and sat down.
My stomach growled at the sight of all the food, luckily the waves were louder.

Alex took his seat opposite me.

Soon, an elderly woman walked into the room.

She too had her hair in a bum and wore a blue dress with a brown apron over it.

I imagined that Alex had a lot of maids but I didn't think he'd employ someone as old as she was. She still looked fit and capable, but I'd feel terrible ordering her around because she looked nearly my grandmother's age.

"JoJo," Alexander exclaimed looking up at her.

She let out a confused look with her eyebrow raised at me.

"This is Zoe," Alex explained.

"Oh!" JoJo exclaimed. "That makes a lot of sense." She mumbled.

The way she looked at me, it was as if she already knew everything about me.

"I was just a bit confused," JoJo commented. "Usually Alex never makes it to dinner, he usually just keeps in the bedroom."

I quickly stared at my empty plate, letting out a silent laugh.

Alex gave her a warning glare.

I could tell she knew how to put him in his place, I certainly needed to learn from her.

I knew Alex was a man-whore but I didn't think it would be this bad. Whatever his lifestyle choices were, it shouldn't be any of my business. Let's just hope he's man enough to be a better father.

"JoJo helps me around the house, she's like family," Alex said, softening his glare.

"Nice to meet you," I said with a nod.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Zoe. It's nice to finally meet the woman who has managed to put Alex in his place." She said with a smirk.

Her words brought me an odd satisfaction, after so many wars with Alex, I felt like I won another one.

Alex shook his head at JoJo defeatedly then muttered, "She's no match to me,"  in a sardonic tone.

"It's just his alter ego that refuses to acknowledge that he lost," JoJo said.

JoJo and I both laughed at him as his face turned bright red.

"What would you like to eat Zoe?" JoJo asked.

I looked around the table deciding on what to eat. Some of the foods like the steak weren't really an opposition because of the baby.

"The potato salad looks really delicious," I said with a smile.

She served me a wooden spoonful of the salad along with some pasta and roasted chicken.

"I'll leave the two of you to eat," JoJo said with a small smile.

She gave me a quick pat on the shoulder before leaving.

The room fell into silence, only hearing the sound of forks and knives against each other.

We both knew if either one of us spoke, we'd end up insulting each other and I'd be homeless again.

"What lead you here?" Alex asked, pouring some wine into his glass.

"When I got to my apartment this evening, it was flooded. I called the plumber and he said the pipes were leaking beneath the floor," I explained taking a fork-full of my pasta.

"You were out at this time?" Alexander asked.

I sensed he was about to give me the talk of why I shouldn't go out late because I'm pregnant.

"Yes," I answered between clutched teeth.

He let out a sigh and then clutched onto his fork as if he was trying not to say something provocative.

"You are welcome to stay as long as you need to." He said instead.

"I'll be on my way by tomorrow," I said staring at my plate.

"Sure," he answered.

After dinner, a maid came and cleared the table. Alex and I both avoided eye contact not wanting to make things any more awkward.

"I'll show you to your room," Alex said getting up from his seat.

Something was different about him today, I had expected a long reminder of how 'poor' I was followed by a brag of how much I needed his help. But none of that happened.

I got up from my seat and followed his lead.

We went upstairs which lead us into the hallway.  The hall was white painted with paintings hanging on the walls.

I moved in closer to take a look at the detail in the one portrait.

It was a painting of a woman. She was sitting on a black couch with her arm leaning into the cushions. In her free arm, she held a white rose. She was dressed in a red shoulderless dress with matching red lipstick. Her hair was brushed to the side, revealing her diamond earrings. What was breathtaking about her were her soft piercing grey eyes. She looked gorgeous, she managed to make everything so effortless. She smiled back at me revealing her teeth.

I somehow couldn't help but feel jealous of her, I'd have to lose a few pounds to look like that, never mind the fact that I'm gaining weight every day.

"Come on," Alexander whispered over my shoulder. It startled me, sending me back to reality.

"She's beautiful," I whispered staring at the picture.

"She was," He answered with a hint of sadness in his voice. He quickly covered it up with a cough.

I noticed the look in his eye change as he stared at the picture, I couldn't help but think it was some ex-love or something. Maybe she was the one who screwed him up and made him an ass hat.

There was something about the painting that caught my attention. The painting was smooth but with a lot of texture in the background. I reached my hand out to get a feel of the painting.

"Stop," Alex said stopping me in my tracks. "That painting costs a lot more than your apartment," He said in a clinical tone.

I immediately pulled my hand away, trying to hide my hurt expression.

He always tried to make other people feel like they were beneath him, it was his speciality.

He let out a small smile as he gestured for me to move forward.

I followed his lead. We finally stopped in front of a door.

"This will be your room," He said pointing at the door in front of us. "My bedroom and office are over here," He pointed at the doors on our left.

He opened the door to the spacious room. It was just after sunset, I could only see shadows in the room.

Alex walked in and switched the lights on.

The room looked exquisite, like those hotel rooms you'd have to pay five hundred dollars per night for. The bed was in the centre with a matching white comforter and pillows. On the opposite side of the room, it was made of glass, giving a view of the mountain. The tv was situated on the wall, opposite the bed. Next to the bed, there was a small couch and nightstands on both sides of the bed. It somehow looked homey and classy at the same time.

"Make yourself comfortable. Your things are already packed." He said.

I didn't answer.

I continued exploring. He gave me a tour of my bathroom, then back to 'my' closet which was in the bedroom just close to the door.

I sat on the bed as I waited for him to leave.

He walked to the door. Instead of leaving, he closed it door.

"There's something we need to talk about," He said.

I stared at him wondering what he possibly had to talk about that was so serious he closed the door.

From my experience with Alex, it was probably to mention a set of rules so he wouldn't have to deal with me, it would probably all be to his advantage.

"Don't worry, I won't get into your business. I'll be out of your hair." I said

"It's not that," He said as he continued walking further.

He sat down next to me as I moved away from his, putting more distance between us.

"I know we didn't start things the best way possible, I think it's time we put all this madness behind us and finally move forward." He said.

He held me under his gaze as he looked for a reaction.

I glared at him with my arms folded wanting to figure out his plan. I couldn't believe this was the same Alexander speaking.

"I know I haven't been the best person to have a child with but trust me I'm working on it.  I realized my mistakes, and I promise to change for the sake of our baby." He said.

I've been through so much to know that I can't trust him, no one changes that quickly. Was it one of those moments when he pretends we are now at peace just so he can tighten his grip on me?

"You just poor-shamed me not so long ago," I said.

He raised his eyebrow as if he was trying to register.

"Because of that portrait," I added.

"I'm still working on it," he answered with a sigh. "Seeing my child for the first time made me realize a lot of things and I don't want to be at war with you. I don't want to rob my child of a chance of having his mother, no one deserves that." He said.

My glare softened towards him. I couldn't tell if he was being sincere, or if it was one of those things he was planning so he could use against me later.

Neither the less, I knew he was right, we needed to try and fix things between us for the sake of our baby. I didn't want to allow my paranoia to ruin a possible good co-parenting relationship.

"It's just that I've never had to share anything before, the thought of having this baby with you scared me. I even had a whole plot against you just so I'd have full custody." He continued. "I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me."

I didn't know if I should slap him for trying to take away my child or be thankful that he was being honest.

He looked at me intensely as if he was trying to read me.

To be honest, I've made my own fair share of mistakes that have contributed to the bad space that we are now in. My child deserved at least the effort from both his parents to make things work.

"I'm sorry too," I muttered. "For calling you useless... Although you do act stupid sometimes,"

He both laughed, breaking the tension between us.

I'd just have to put him on a trial run to see if he really changed. If he did, I didn't want to do anything hush that could possibly jeopardize a good co-parenting relationship.

"I'll let you get some sleep now," He said getting up.

I replied with a small smile.

He got up and walked to the door. Just as he was about to leave I called out his name.

He turned around and faced me.

"The doctor called, he said that I had to see him tomorrow. Something could be wrong," I explained.

"I'll take you there." He answered with a nod.

He opened the door and left the room.

Everything he said started sinking in, it's difficult to start on a new slate when you have been through so much with a person, but I didn't want to rob my child chance of a happy life.

I shook my head dismissing the issue, I had spent so much time thinking about Alex that I'd barely had time to enjoy the view of the room. I gave myself another tour of the room and settled myself in.

Today felt like a roller coaster of events, I needed to sleep in order to let everything sink in. Tomorrow, I'd find myself a hotel to stay.

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