Chapter 1 animals

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You just had some delicious dinner, what was it you ask? Pizza~ anyways, after finishing and watching tv for a bit you do your nighttime routine. Once down with you nighttime routine you tell your parents goodnight and grab a cat onesie that looks similar to a real one mainly because of the texture. You slip into bed calmly while Turing your LED lights on, to the calm color white whilst Turing the brightness down a bit.

While laying down you grab your stuffed blue bunny, Cotton. You kiss him on the head saying goodnight as if he were real and you slowly drift off to sleep thinking about the 5 assignments that were due this weekend.


You wake up on the hard ground feeling quite stiff and tired, and also pretty cold. You open your eyes and sit up your eyes adjusting. as your eyes finish adjusting you realize you're in an alley. 'Wait what?' You look around rubbing your eyes in confusion.

You stand up a little bit wobbly. 'Wait wait wait this is all just a realistic dream I'll wake up soon' you think to yourself. You walk out of the alley peeking your head to see 'humanoid animals?!' You think loudly to yourself. 'This dream is weird.'

You walk back to the alley and pinch yourself hard. "Ow" you say quietly.

"wait I can feel pain?" You say a little louder to yourself. You do everything to make sure this is a dream. You punch yourself,kick yourself on the shin,even poke your eye and after all that you realize, 'this isn't a dream'

'Waaaaait! This isn't a dream!, s-so that means that all these humanoid animals are really here?!' You think to yourself. You begin hyperventilating as you panic.
However the kind part of your brain reminds you to calm down and you take a couple of deep breaths before gaining composure.

"Ok so w-what happened last night all I did was go to bed like usual, this is so confusing and strange." You say quietly. While being lost in thought your stomach grumbles making you realize how hungry you are. 'Crap! I gotta find food somewhere!'

You quietly sneak out of the alley way getting a couple of glances but nothing to serious as you keep your head down. As your walking you see a little store, it looked to be a 711 store. 'Huh guess they have 711 here to...interesting. '

You walk inside, a little bell making it's small ding! sound. You walk around making sure to keep your head down, as you walk around you see what looks to be a small fox at the counter. 'Hey that kinda looks like that fox from that one that one movie zootopia was it?' you think to yourself. As you're walking you see what appeared to be a lion wearing black hoodie grabbing some baked beans.

You make sure to stay away from him. as you go to one of the aisles you see a bottle slightly big bottle of water. You grab it quietly, realizing you don't have money on you, you know you're probably gonna have to shoplift. 'Forgive me whoever is up there' you quickly think to yourself as you dash past the counter with the chips and out the door, with the fox yelling "thief!"

You quickly run across the street narrowly dodging cars. You keep running seeming to make it into a forest however behind you hear another pair of footsteps. You look back and 'it's that lion! Of fuck!'
You think as you pick up your pace.

You keep on running until you don't hear footsteps anymore and you make it to a clearing. You sit down and you finally break down. 1st you woke up in a random alley
2nd you're in a world of humanoid animals
3rd you just stole food
and now you're probably gonna be killed if animals realize that you're a creature they've never seen.
You began crying big thick tears and as they rolled down your cheeks you began crying. Feeling stressed and scared 'W-where even am I?! how did I get here?! And am I gonna die?!'

You feel so overwhelmed with all these emotions fear,sadness,confusion it's really not a good mix. You don't where you are or how you got here and it's so confusing and scary for you. You don't know what to do. slowly you calm down taking deep breaths.

You open the bottle of water and begin drinking. Little did you know that you were being watched the whole time by the lion that was chasing you. He was just staring at you in the trees feeling sorry for you but also curious. 'Who and what are you?' He thought. Maybe he'll find out soon enough.

Hello! I'm back after a couple of days.
That break was just what I needed. I feel ready to start writing again, schedule should be the same if not change a little. Anyways hope you enjoyed that first chapter wonder who this mysterious lion is?


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