Chapter 8 Intamite

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'Is this normal?' Hunter had thought after kissing you. You and Hunter continued to stare into each other's eyes, still starstruck from the moment. Eventually something buzzed in Hunters pocket.

Hunter reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, it was a text from patch.

Patch: hey Hunter I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the park?

Hunter thought for a moment and asked you if it was okay. "Y-yea it's fine" you said scratching the back of your neck. "A-alright" Hunter got
Up grabbing his keys.

Hunter put on his shoes and was about to walk out before he said. "I...we'll talk later, I'll be back."
"Ok" Hunter finally left and closed the door walking out into the sunset. Immediately you grabbed the nearest pillow and started screaming.

"Aahhhhhh!" You kept screaming but it was muffled so no one would hear. And Hunter was screaming into his hands while covering his face.
You two were blushing deeply.

Hunter began walking while texting patch back saying: I'll be there

Hunter sighed while still blushing madly. Eventually Hunter made it too the park where he saw patch on one of the swings. "Hey Hunter!"
Patch said waving.

Hunter sat next to him on the other swing. "Hey, you okay you seem" "Me? Oh well I just Um splashed hot water on my face by accident."  "...riiight"

"Well anyways, I asked you to come here to hang out....Hehe obviously. But Um I also wanna know why are you lying?"
"Cmon man, that was the most garbage lie I've heard this year."

"I d-don't know what you're talking about!" "Dude just stop lying why is you're face actually red?"
"*sigh* we'll I-...I..."
"Dude just spit it out!"

"...w-wait what?!"
"Yea yea just get it out of your system, say whatever you gotta say." Hunter said groaning.
"That's...awesome! I'm so proud of you!"

"You finally kissed y/n!"
"What do you mean finally?"
"Cmon man it was obvious it was gonna happen at some point. I mean seriously, just today you were rambling on about how much you like y/n and what you like about them and why!"

"...". "sooo how did it happen? Was it spicy? Was it a quick peck? Tell me!"

"It was only for a couple of seconds,
We were just sitting down on the Couch. Me and y/n began conversing when they asked me if I "like" them as in crush. Of course I told them that I had weird and confusing feelings for them. they said the felt the same and well we kissed."

"Why are you so ecstatic you're not the one who kissed someone."
"Yea but it's so romantic and cute! Like some kind of love story! Now I've gotta meet y/n!"

"Uhhhh, y-you can't remember?!"
"You always do that?"
"Do what?"
"Uhhhh" that you always do that every time you talk about me meeting y/n"
'Damn, I really do that? Yeesh I'm bad I at lying.'

"Okay, okay you're right, I've been lying about y/n being sick."
"Okay glad you admitted that, but why though are you embarrassed of them?"

"What?! No I could never be. It's just gah how do I explain this?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know how I never said what species y/n was? Well there was a reason."

"Y/n is a...Human."
"...pfft hahahaahaha! What?! Okay now I know you're playing with me."
Hunter just stared at patch with a serious face. "Hah...oh you weren't kidding."

"Well what is a human?"
"I- actually how about I show you?"
"Sure, I finally get to meet y/n!"
"Hooray" Hunter said weakly.
"We have to go to my house though."

{Wild world} Hunter x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now