Chapter 2 new home

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Narrator/me lol : as you're drinking the water, you suddenly feel like you're being watched. You look around a bit but see nothing so you continue to drink eventually setting it down, the bottle being half full.

Feeling a little better you lay in your back looking up to the clouds making shapes with them.

As you're staring into the sky, you hear a twig snap you quickly sit up, and just before you turn around a figure lunges at you, pinning you down.

You keep your eyes shut tight waiting to possibly be devoured. But nothing happens. "Hey open your eyes." you hear a voice. But who's?
"HEY I said open your eyes." Due to not wanting to make whoever had pinned you down angry, you opened your eyes slowly.

As you quickly readjusted you realized the creature that had pinned you down was "A LION?!" You shout. The lion quickly covers your mouth with his hand. "I said open your eyes not shout" he said In an irritated tone.

You nodded and he took his hand off of your mouth. "Now that I've gotten you to shut up, you're gonna answer some questions." He demanded. You nodded in fear again.

"what are you?" "..." "hey I asked a question now answer" the lion demanded once more slightly raising his voice. "I-I'm a human" you said, your voice being shaky.

"What's a human?" The lion asks.
"Like y-you but with less...fur" you reply. "Hm interesting. where did you come from?" "E-earth" "...Hm"
The lion thought for a moment and let you go. You quickly backed away from him. "Do you think I'm going to kill you?" The lion asked.

"Yes" you say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "Well I'm not " says the lion. "Y-you're not?" You question. "No I have no reason to, and it would be dumb to kill something or someone I don't even know." He reply's.

You feel a little relief as you both stand there staring at each other.
"Well thank you, f-for not eating or killing me." You try to calmly respond. "Hm" you continue to stare at each other. "You got a name?" He asks.

"Yes y/n" you reply. "Well y/n I'm Hunter" he responds. "..." you continue to stare at each other in awkward silence. "Hey do you have anywhere to go?" Hunter asks. "" you reply sadly. "Well how about you come live with me?" "You'd let me live with you?" You ask.

"Well sure, I mean you can't stay on the streets, and you sure as hell can't stay out here" he responds. "Oh t-thank you" you thank him kindly. "Hm...we'll let's get going." "What?" "I said let's go, it's better to do this now than never." He reply's.

You nod and walk next to him. "Wait aren't I gonna need to hide myself?" You ask. "Well you clearly were able to get past some of the animals" Hunter says as he gives you his jacket. As you saw his body you could see he was wearing a grey tank-top. "Now you won't completely look out of place, and don't pull your hood down." You nod.

As you reach the entrance/exit of the forest you begin walking along the sidewalk. As your walking your eyes drift to Hunters body. His body was toned and you couldn't keep you're gaze off his muscles. Eventually you snapped out of it looking forward while blushing.

'Cmon y/n you just met him, don't get all drooly over him!' You mentally yell at yourself.


You two eventually make it to his house. He takes out his keys and unlocks the door. You walk in as he holds the door for you.
(What a gentlemen) he closes the door as you looked around curiously. "Take your shoes off please I don't like shoes in my house" Hunter told you politely.

You did as he asked and you placed your shoes next to his. Hunter took you to his room or as he calls it his "den". You sat down on his bed. "now we should probably get you some new clothes, for now you can use mine." He said as he pulled out a pair of pj pants and shirt. "Here you go" you took the clothes and left the room saying "thank you."

You walked to the door you assumed was the bathroom and lucky for you, you were right. You took off Hunters jacket. But not before smelling it. You mentally facepalm as you ask yourself. 'What is wrong with me?!' After putting on the new pjs you look in the mirror.

The clothes were a little big but you didn't mind. You stepped out of the bathroom to see Hunter in his room. "Ah good you're done, so you like them?" Hunter asks with a small smile. "Yea their a little big but other than that their just fine." You reply to his question.

"That's good,now I figured I should probably tell you this but, I have school tomorrow so we're gonna need some rules." "ok" you respond quietly. "Alright so 1. Don't leave the house, EVER I don't want you getting caught and possibly killed.

"2. Keep all blinds closed don't let anyone see you." You nod as you sit down on the bed next to him. "And finally 3. Don't answer the door no matter what, if I'm home you let me answer the door and you hide. Got it?" "Yep" "ok then that should be it I've got food in the fridge and snacks you can eat. also I get home at 2:50" "Hm" "alright are you hungry at all?"

"...yea a little what have you got?"
"Well I've got some pizza rolls we can heat up" "sounds good" you say as you give a thumbs up. "Alright then, I'll put on a movie a or something." He says as he leaves the room. You sit there for a couple of seconds before leaving the room to join him.

You sat down on the couch as you hear the microwave and as it makes microwave noises. (idk🤷) you and Hunter make some small talk until you hear the microwave beep. He takes out the pizza rolls setting them down on the little coffee table in front of you. "Now let's watch a movie" Hunter says as he takes the remote.

He presses a couple of buttons until he gets to an app called "zooflix". he clicks on a movie called "death book". As you're watching the movie you attempt to put your hand on hunters but you quickly pull back as you blush. 'What is with these wacky feelings?' You mentally question yourself.


Eventually the movie finishes and you feel pretty sleepy. Hunter puts the now empty plate into the sink and walks back to his room with you. "Soo where do I sleep?" You ask politely. "With me" Hunter reply's. "W-wha?" You stammer as feel your face go red. "Well I don't have an air mattress and I would feel bad making you sleep on the floor so you can sleep with me" Hunter reply's with a calm smile.

"O-ok" Hunter grabs a pair of pjs and leaves to the bathroom. "You get into bed I'm gonna change." "ok" you mumble. You crawl into bed and start thinking. 'I'm really gonna be in bed with a person well animal I just met?! I mean sure he's kinda hot, WAIT WHAT?! what is wrong with me?! Why do I keep having these feelings and thoughts?!' "Hey I'm back!" "G-good" you mumble once more. "Hey you okay?" Hunter asks in a slightly worried tone. "Y-yea I'm fine! Hehe" you stammer.

"Alright then but if you ever feel nervous or scared tell me okay?" Hunter asks as he turns out the light, Hunter then turns on his nightlight. "Ok" "good now scootch" you scoot a little ways away to make room for Hunter. Hunter does something a little unexpected, you squeak as he wraps his arms around your chest and pulls you to him. "Hey it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you, now let's go to bed" Hunter says as a yawn escapes his mouth. "o-ok" you reply quietly. "Goodnight y/n"
"...goodnight..Hunter" you say as you drift off to sleep.

-hello did you like chapter 2 I "attempted" to make this chapter longer. Hope you're enjoying this book so far. See ya in the next one.


{Wild world} Hunter x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now