Chapter 13 practice makes perfect

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Y/n pov:

I woke up today in a strange room. It had padded walls and was not very big. I looked down to see myself wearing some kind of gown, like the ones in hospitals.

I heard footsteps approach the door, then it opened. "Afternoon sleepyhead,how are you feeling?" It was Luther. "Just fine, but..where am I ?"

"You're in your new room. I know it's not much but I hope you like it."  "Oh that's okay, I'm glad I have somewhere to sleep at least."  "Good"

"Also why am I in these clothes? Did you dress me?"  I ask a little flustered. "Never mind that, I was thinking that we should learn something new today."
Luther avoids the question.
"Like what?" I ask. "I'm going to teach you about something called a "Gun."


Hunter pov:

'It's been a few hours. I wonder if Patch is okay?' I feel tired and begin to drift off, when suddenly-
"HUNTER! I found a clue!"
Patch had busted the door down giving me a small heart attack.

"ANUBIS! You scared me half to death!" I shout back to him.
"O-oh sorry. Anyways as I was saying I found a clue to help us find y/n."

"Wait really?!" I ask excitedly.
"Yup, I found and earpiece."
" is that supposed to help?"  "Well, since I'm so good at hacking, all I have to do if find where the radio frequency is coming from and then track it, and then we go there and save y/n! Easy!"

"Oh my god..., I didn't understand a single word you just said but, that sounds great!"  "One small problem your body still needs to recover."
"What?! I don't wanna wait anymore we have to save y/n now!" I yell feeling angry.

I try to get out of bed and stand on my feet but I fall to the ground straight on my stomach.
My body aches from all the pain when I was thrown around earlier.
"Hunter! Look dude you need to calm down. You have to recover otherwise you won't be able to save y/n. I'm sure they can wait just a little bit longer."

"Besides, I still need to go somewhere. I've gotta grab my computer so we can track where y/n is. So we still gotta wait.  In the meantime you get some rest and I'll try to find y/n, Kay?"

"Fine."  "Thank you."
'I really hope you're okay y/n, please ,please be okay.'


Y/n pov:

Luther said he was taking me to some place where he would teach me about something called a "gun"
We were walking to some place.

and then Luther started a conversation. "So y/n do you like it here?"  "Mhm. It's nice here, especially since you're here because you treat me so nicely. It's why I like you."
I say with a smile.

"That's good, I like you too y/n."
We stay silent for a moment but the kind of comfortable silence.
"So, y/n do you think you would want to stay here with me forever?"  I think for a moment before replying. "Yea, I really like this place especially the garden."

"I also like that you're so kind and that, you save other peoples lives including me. It was very kind of you."
"Well then I'm glad you feel that way. Hey what do you know were here."

Luther Stops in front of a gate, with a guard next to it. They seem to be wearing a mask with a smiley face on it. I can't help but feel a little
Intimated. I grab onto Luther's arm in worry.

"Don't worry y/n, the guards won't hurt you, they're here to protect and help."
"Okay" I mumble.
Luther takes out a card and scans it, the gate then opens.
It looks like outside, like "a forest?"

"Yup, this place is called a shooting range. It's where we're going to practice using guns."
"Oh, okay"
We walk over to a crate, on top of it is; two pairs of headphones, and two of what I assume are guns.

"Here, put these on." Luther says handing me one of the pair.
I put it in and I don't hear very much anymore, it's quiet. "Can you still hear me?"
Luther sounds a little muffled.

"Mhm." "Good." Luther picks up one of the guns, he then shoots and whatever was inside goes flying. It hits a dummy of a lion and goes through its head. for some reason it reminds me of someone.
Maybe my brain is just messing with me.

"You're turn." I pick up the gun and try to point it at the lion. I shoot but the thing inside goes to a completely different direction than I wanted. "Luther I think this one is broken."

Luther laughs and says. "Oh y/n it's not broken, you just have to aim it. Here."
Luther puts his hands on mine and aims the gun. I blush feeling his chest on my back.

"What you wanna do is close one eye, and aim it where you want it to go." he leads our hands into one direction. "You got it where you want it?"  "Mhm"
"Good, now pull the trigger."

I pull the trigger and the thing inside the gun goes through the lions chest. I gasp in excitement, taking off the headphones.
"Luther I did it! I did it!"

"I know I saw, I'm proud of you.
You did good for a first time~"
I smile with glee feeling very accomplished. I hug Luther tightly feeling very happy.
Luther doesn't move for a Moment until he wraps his arms around me.

I feel something swishing back and forth. I tilt my head a little to see his tail wagging quickly. I look up and see him, he looks like he's in a trance but a good one, he looks quite happy.

"Thank you for the hug y/n, it made me quite happy. I think it's time we try other guns."
"There's more?!"
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get started!"

"Love the enthusiasm y/n. If you do good on all of these tests you might a get a "special" reward~"
I gasp feeling even more excited.
"Do I get cookies?!"
Oh it's better than that, but you'll have to do good."
"Good boy~"
'Just as planned'

-1074 words

{Wild world} Hunter x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now