Chapter 6 new friend

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You wake up, missing the feeling of Hunter. 'Wait where is Hunter?' You wonder. You look to the side and see a note on hunters pillow.


"Hey, if you're reading this then I already left for school. I didn't wanna wake you up so I decided to just leave a note. Remember the rules and I'll see you later.


"Huh, so he left already. At least he didn't wake me up, very kind."
You get up from the bed a little wobbly and had to the kitchen to grab some food as you're stomach growls.

Heading to the kitchen you put some leftover pancakes in the microwave. After putting some syrup on them you begin eating and your mind begins to wander off.


Hunter pov:

I woke up and saw y/n sleeping still. I didn't wanna wake him up so I left him a note saying I'd back. After doing my morning routine I headed to the bus.


Later today at school I was just eating lunch when someone sat down at my empty table. I didn't look up for a couple of seconds.

When I did, I saw that the animal at my table was a white cat. The cat also had a black spot on their left eye. I decided to start up a conversation.

"...h-hello." I say in my kindest voice. The cat looks up at me with a nervous look. "Uh h-hi" the cat said quietly. 'God this is so awkward.'
I thought to myself.

"Hey, Um I don't think I've seen you around here. Are you new?"
"Actually yes, I came here from Idaho."
"Oh interesting, I have a question and sorry if this is a stereotype but did you eat lots of potato's?"

"No not very often but every now and then yes." I give him a small smile. "O-oh wait sorry for being so rude I'm Patch." He said as he stuck his hand out I reached for it and replied. "Hunter."

"So patch what kind of things are you into?" I asked. "well I like to read a lot, and I'm really good at math. But my favorite activity is singing. I do it a lot but only when I know I'm alone." 'I wonder what y/n would sound like if they sang?'

"That's cool, what kind of books do you like to read?" "Oh well I mostly just read historical fiction but I like other things like, manga."

"But never mind about me what kind do stuff are you into?" "Oh, well I like reading to but probably not as much as you. I also sew every now and then."

"Hm sewing, what a cool talent wish I could sew it's so hard!" Just as I opened my mouth the bell rang so I stood up threw my trash away and began to walk and talk with Patch.

"Hey, um I know this is something a little kid would probably say but do you wanna be friends?" "..."wait really?" "Yea of course."
"...yes I would like to be friends."

I felt so happy I finally have a friend in this boring old school! I haven't had a friend since, middle school.
But this is a high-school environment so I had to contain my excitement.


Y/n pov:

I had been on the tv for a while so I decided to go to Hunters room. Once on the bed, I realized that I never really explored Hunters room I just knew it was there. So I decided to look around.

I went to Hunters closet and opened it up. it had mostly a bunch of junk and stuff that had probably put in there except it was all neat, unlike me who just threw stuff in my closet.

{Wild world} Hunter x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now