Chapter 3

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When I get to Willow's house I knock on the door and not even a minute later the door opens and reveals Luca. he looks me up and down and makes no effort to show that he wasn't just checking me out. I do the same thing as him and see that he is wearing gray joggers and a navy blue shirt and notice how his hair looks so soft and fluffy and I just want to put my hands through it. I get to his face and notice how green his eyes are and how he has light freckles going along his nose and how they are almost not noticeable. I notice that he caught me checking him out and I blush even though he was doing it first.

"I'm here to see Willow"

"I figured I don't even know you so you coming to see me would just be strange"

He moves out of the way so I can come in. I walk in and follow him to the kitchen and find Willow eating cookies. She looks up and sees me and puts the cookie in her mouth and tells me "Hi" and I tell her "Hi" back. She tells me to have a seat at the island and that she is going to go get her stuff. I sit at the island and wait for her.

A moment later she returns with her backpack and sits across from me

"So what do you want to do the project on?" she asks me

"I don't really have anything in mind. Do you have anything?

"No, I don't. Why don't we Google some stuff and see what we like?"

"Sounds good"


After some research, we finally decided on doing the project on Women's Right to vote.

Once we picked a topic we got right to work on the research about the topic.

Hours later and we got a good amount done with our project.

As we are putting the final touches on it for today Luca decides to come into the kitchen.

"You want some chips Willow" he asks

"No thanks, Luca. Do you want any Greylee?"

"No, I'm good thank you though"

"Suit yourself"

Instead of taking the bag of chips to his room, he decides to eat them right in front of us. I'm trying to pay attention to what Willow is saying but all I can focus on is Luca and how he looks so hot eating a bag of chips. Like how does someone look so hot eating a bag of chips?

I look away before he catches me and I try to pay attention to what Willow was saying.

As we continue working I sneak looks at Luca here and there. I'm currently sneaking a peak right now and he is currently putting a chip in his mouth. I watch as he chews and swallows the chip and notice how his adam apple works as he swallows the chips.

I notice his pink and plump lips and how they look so soft. He has kissable lips. I wouldn't mind kissing those lips right now.

What the fuck am I saying that is your best friend's brother. I can't be thinking these things.

Luca caught me staring and he noticed that I was looking at his mouth and he smirks.

"I think that is enough for today. What do you think Greylee?" Willow asks me

"Yeah I think we are good for today"

I pack up stuff and say goodbye to Luca and Willow. As I'm walking to the door I hear Willow tell Luca to walk me to the door. He catches up to me and walks me the rest of the way to the door.

He opens the door for me and I thank him. I turn around so I'm facing him and tell him that I will see him tomorrow at school and goodnight. He tells me goodnight and closes the

As I'm walking to my car all I can think about is how Luca Sage is going to be the death of me.

Authors note:

Word count:692

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