Chapter 6

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It has been weeks since Luca stormed out of the teacher's lounge and I can't stop thinking about what he said. He couldn't have actually meant what he said right?
Which is why I'm on my way to his house right now to talk to him.

Ten minutes later, I finally arrived at his house. I knock on the door and a few minutes later he opens the door and as soon as he sees me he beings to close the door

"Wait, Luca just give me ten minutes to talk"

"Fine ten minutes and that's it"

He opens the door wider and leads the way to his room once we get there he opens the door and goes to sit on his bed. I close the door behind me and just stand there he pats the spot next to him and I go and sit where he patted.

"You have ten minutes talk"

"Did you really mean what you said in the teacher's lounge?"

"I did Greylee"

"Well, I don't believe you. Nobody ever pays attention to what I do or say. I'm practically invisible Luca."

"Okay, you say nobody notices you but I notice you. I notice how when you are confused or concentrated you get this little wrinkle in between your eyebrows. I notice how you are nice to everybody, even to people that don't deserve your kindness. I notice how you constantly have a book in your hand or in your backpack you like to read when you are done with your work or if you have nothing to do or even if no one is talking to you. So you see Greylee I notice you it's hard not to notice you especially since you  are one of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen so if people don't notice you then that is their loss."

I don't even know where to being to process what he just said. 

"Do you really mean that?"

"Yes Greylee"

There has been one thing that has been on my mind since he moved here and that is why did they move here. I know they moved here for him but why.

"Why did y'all move here" it's out of my mouth before I can even think about it


"Why did y'all move her?"

"Have you ever asked Willow that question"

"Yeah she said y'all moved here for you"

"Well then I guess you have your answer Greylee"

"But why did they move here for you"

"That is none of your business Greylee"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to just know that when you do decide to tell me that I will be here."

"Thank you Graylee"

He randomly says "Do you want to go to the corn maze with me tomorrow?"

"Umm... yeah sure" I say taken back from his random question

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon"

"Sounds good"


Authors note:

Word count:494

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