Chapter 13

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I have been avoiding Greylee since I met her dad, simply because she called me her friend. When she introduced me to her dad, she called me her friend. We are not friends; we don't do friendly things; do friends kiss? No, they don't, so why did she call me her friend?

I need to get to the bottom of this because this does not sit right with me for some reason.

Me: Are you home?

My Love: Yeah why?

Me: I'm coming over

My Love: Oookay

I put my shoes on and grab my keys and then I'm off to Greylee's house.

I arrive at Greylee's house 20 minutes later and knock on the door. Greylee's mom is the one who open the door. "Oh hi, hun, what are you doing here?" "Hi Ms. Montgomery, I'm here to see Greylee." "What have I told you, you can call me Alice?" "Sorry, ma'am." "It's okay." "Where is Greylee?" "Greylee is in her room." "Okay, thank you." I step inside and start to go up the stairs, but before I make it up the stairs, I hear Alice yell, "Keep the door open when you get into her room."

Once I get to Greylees room I knock on the door and hear her say "come in" I open the door and see her lying in bed on her phone facing the door she looks up and sees me she gets out of bed and runs to me and hugs me and we almost fell over from the force she used when she hugged me I hug her back but then remember that I'm supposed to be mad at her so I push her away and she looks up at me and gives me her pout that she knows I can't resits.

"We need to talk," I tell her

"About what?" she asks with a confused look

"About you calling me your friend when you introduced me to your dad"

"Oh that"

"Yeah that"

"Why did you call me your friend"

"I called you my friend because I didn't know what to call you. I couldn't call you my boyfriend because we are not officially together. We may act like we are together but you never asked me." she tells me while looking down

I pull her chin up so she is looking at me and tell her "I see your point but I just automatically thought that you knew that we were together and I'm sorry for that if I knew you wanted me to ask you to be my girlfriend I would have done it sooner."

"Greylee, will you be my girlfriend?"

As soon as I ask that question her eyes light up like I have never seen before and she has the biggest smile on her face.

"Yes of course"

And next thing I know she is kissing me with so much force that it knocks the air out of me I grab her head and bring it closer to me and kiss her with just as much force and bite her lip a little bit asking for access but she keeps her mouth closed I pull her body closer and squeeze her ass and she gasps in surprise and I use that as my opportunity to plunge my tongue into her mouth and we counted to kiss and she sucks my tongue a little bit and makes me groan.

She puts her hands in my hair and pulls the hair that is by my nape and continues to suck on my tongue a little bit and that alone drives me crazy we need to stop before it gets any further I may not be a virgin by any means but she is and she is not ready to go any further not yet at least.

I pull away first and she looks up at me with a blush because of what we just did. She looks so cute.

"You look, adorable baby"

Her blush deepens probably from me calling her baby

"Come here," I tell her and open my arms for her to come into them

She comes into my arms and hugs my waist and I kiss her head and that is what we did the rest of the night we held each other while watching movies.


Authors note:

Word count: 726

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